Steven Jungerwirth  

Cutting Glass by Steven Jungerwirth

July 2024 - Cutting Glass

July 2024 - Steven Jungerwirth


About the Image(s)

During a May trip to Ireland, I had an opportunity to tour the Waterford Crystal showroom and production facility. I didn't appreciate how manual the whole process is - with individual items having hundreds of cuts; each of which must be perfect. Visible in this image are stencil markings on the glass - depicting where the cuts are to be made. See this craftsman's concentration - submitted this month to Group 87.


iPhone 14. Ambient light. 76mm (equiv) lens. Edits in Lr/Ps and B&W conversion in Silver Efex.

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8 comments posted

Jack Florence Jr   Jack Florence Jr
The iPhone sure does a nice job with this Steve. Your caption helps me understand the story. I think I prefer the wider version you posted in group 87, as the story is more readily understood. But nicely done just the same.   Posted: 07/03/2024 21:53:59
Steven Jungerwirth   Steven Jungerwirth
Thank Jack. I agree that the image posted in Group 87 is a more interesting/complete.   Posted: 07/07/2024 12:36:42

Susan Pellegrino   Susan Pellegrino
I love the hands holding the glass! Like your explanation too.

think I actually prefer the color photo because I'm finding whatever that "rough fabric thing" distracting in the b&w but I don't find that to be the case in the color version.   Posted: 07/04/2024 02:24:14
Steven Jungerwirth   Steven Jungerwirth
You make a good point - in the color - the hands pop more . . . and that pad on his chest is less distracting. I could also tone it down in the B&W. Thank you.
  Posted: 07/07/2024 12:35:45

Ruth Holt   Ruth Holt
Steven, both the images tell a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing. B/W works well with both of the pictures. Sharpness and composition are excellent.   Posted: 07/16/2024 17:21:41

Kieu-Hanh Vu   Kieu-Hanh Vu
Hi Steven,
The B&W conversion works for me. I second to Jack that the version you submitted in group #87 is more a story-telling image because the viewers can see the whole working area and the attention to details of the worker.
I love Waterford crystal very much, and your photo makes me love it more! Nice shot, and thanks for sharing!   Posted: 07/18/2024 15:33:51

Pat Centeno   Pat Centeno
Steven, I am thankful to be able to peruse all these images with their varying perspectives, especially the overall shot submitted to your other group. I think that, without the caption and backstory, this closeup-either in color or mono-would have made me wonder what action was shown in this closeup. I had no idea how exacting/demanding the Waterford procedure is! I have toured 3 other glass factories and never saw a craftsman like this at work. Thanks for the perspective. Now I can appreciate your image. I think I like it best in color this time.   Posted: 07/22/2024 16:27:29

Wayne Angeloty   Wayne Angeloty
I like the color image because it helped to illustrate this interesting process.I prefer the B/W image for the fine art aspect of the different textures and shadows.Regarding the B/W,I would personally choose to crop out the bright triangle shape in the upper left border because I found it a bit distracting versus the color image.   Posted: 07/29/2024 22:36:27