Pat Glenn  

Purple Flowers in a Vase  by Pat Glenn

July 2024 - Purple Flowers in a Vase

July 2024 - Pat Glenn


July 2024 - Pat Glenn

Original 2

About the Image(s)

Nikon D750, Nikon micro 105mm at about 1-2x, tripod with focus rail, natural light at a window in SF on foggy day [while everyone else is burning up], ISO 400, 1/60, f14.

Lightroom process background increase exposure, decrease contrast, highlights, shadow. Flower : tiny increase exposure, and small on clarity, texture.

Send all to Photoshop to combine layers with TOOL align/blend 23 photos.

No crop because i wanted to see how the stack was for the main center flower and the 2 partial flowers on either side.

This round’s discussion is now closed!
5 comments posted

Stuart Ord   Stuart Ord
A super result, Pat! I love it. You've got the depth of field exactly right in my view, the main flower and its stamens are sharp as a razor, and all the rest does a great supporting act. The fully blurred background gives good depth. Lovely colour from a precise exposure.
  Posted: 07/08/2024 08:16:32

Margaret West
Your stacking worked well. I find PS is better for stacking some photos and Helicon focus better for others. Your flowers are nice and sharp. I would crop some off the sides to emphasize your center flower. Nice soft lighting.   Posted: 07/08/2024 11:11:01

Gloria Grandolini   Gloria Grandolini
Hi Pat, wonderful result - and thanks for sharing photoshop option. I also think image would be even more stunning if you focused on the central flower.   Posted: 07/08/2024 15:40:36

Carol Sheppard   Carol Sheppard
Beautifully done, Pat! You really nailed it on this one. The crop feels ideal, the sharpness feels like it is in all the right places, and the lighting feels pleasant. You've done well with the background. I would only suggest that you pinch out the wilted areas to the extent possible in future images of flowers (before you take the image). But you've done an excellent job on this image!   Posted: 07/09/2024 15:40:28

Keith Au   Keith Au
Hi Pat, great result from your focus rail stacking. Amazing image with in-focus all around. Just wondering how many steps of shifting did you take, and where did you start and end? My previous results were not great.. Would like to try similar rail stacking again myself. Thanks.   Posted: 07/10/2024 14:56:59