Margaret West  

Water droplets by Margaret West

January 2025 - Water droplets

About the Image(s)

This was taken at ISO 800, 1/800 shutter speed and f 5.6 with my 100mm macro lens. Its is a composite of 2 shots; the splash in the glass is from a second photo. I used a flash on the right side. I did not use a light on the left. I guess the light on the left side of the water spout is reflected off the water and/or the edge of the glass. It was fun to do but I need to work on better captures. I used a blue gel over the flash but it looked better in B&W so converte

3 comments posted

Stuart Ord   Stuart Ord
You and Carol will need to share ideas! I've also done water drops in the past, but just straight, single drops, using coloured water.

Now you mention the light, of course I look at that, and indeed immediately suspect a composite as it appears that the light for the spout is from the left. In fact, the highlights and shadows look odd as they are not consistent. I would have expected the rim in the centre on the right side to be in light, whereas it appears to be in shadow.

But whatever, light can do strange things. Perhaps you could flip the spout left to right (and the two droplets above it).

These type of photos are always interesting. I like the sharpness and general composition. I don't think I've seen one in mono before, but why not, it's fine. Well done!

I would however clone out that tiny dropletabove and to the right of the spout.

  Posted: 01/06/2025 14:39:23

Margaret West
Thanks. I struggled with whether to leave that tiny drop in or not. It's not sharp so probably better left out. The light is all from one flash and I took all the photos te same way so it must be reflected off the left rim of the glass.   Posted: 01/06/2025 19:17:04
Stuart Ord   Stuart Ord
Yes, I guess that's the reason the light is as it is. It's still a fascinating image!   Posted: 01/16/2025 08:47:12


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