This is one of many fiery flowers on a house plant which graced our window cill in the summer.
OM Systems OM-1, Olympus 90mm macro lens, 1/250sec, f5.6, ISO 800. Bracket of 10 images taken by in-camera bracket system, merged in Helicon focus to DNG, then Affinity 2 for processing.
A lesson I often forget is that when the camera does a bracket (and most focus bracket systems do the same), the magnification increases as you go from the front to the back of the bracket, so if you frame the picture too tightly the software is likely to crop off. As here, sometimes I have to increase the canvas size and clone in the missing bit. Can you spot what I cloned in?
2 comments posted
Margaret West
This is a really weird plant! Nice focus stack of it though. Not sure what you cloned. I would have guessed the slightly out of focus hairs/thorns in the upper left but that wouldn't have been on the edge so maybe not. Deep colors too.   Posted: 01/06/2025 19:23:21
Stuart Ord
Thanks. Sadly I don't have a "normal" photo of it. It's up to the size of a child's football, lots of folded succulent leaves, most with a flower on the end when it flowers. It looks rather different from this distance and angle!   Posted: 01/06/2025 19:40:14