Margaret West  

UV tulip by Margaret West

December 2024 - UV tulip

December 2024 - Margaret West


About the Image(s)

I took a macro photo using a UV flashlight of this tulip, removing a few petals for better effect which turned it to purple and made the center glow. Liked that but then played around with converting it in PS and got this beautiful ethereal white flower. I added a subtle gradient to the background rather than keep it stark white. My settings were 100mm (used my 100 mm macro lens), 6 seconds, ISO 400 and f 11. Used a tripod, of course! Canon lens and R5 Canon camera

4 comments posted

Gloria Grandolini   Gloria Grandolini
Margaret, wow what an interesting and beautiful image. The one thing is that the inside looks sharper in the original than in this version - but it might be just an impression.   Posted: 12/17/2024 22:56:40

Margaret West
I did not resize it between the 2 photos. I see what you mean   Posted: 12/18/2024 12:18:06

Pat Glenn   Pat Glenn
well this is cool, I am impressed. UV light, removing petals all great ideas. what I see is almost a pastel painting - interesting what the light does. I like both the black and white bkg versions. not sure if the stamen has the ultimate focus but I do see stations in the leaf behind so that is good for setting that scene up. love the project. did you do a black box situation , was the uv flashlight a tight focus on the petals or filled the box?   Posted: 12/21/2024 21:52:52
Margaret West
This a flashlight I handheld centering pretty much. I did move the light around at different angles and took a few photos. It was not a uv box. When I got the flashlight I also bought the uv protective glasses so if you try this that would be a good idea . What amazes me the most about the UV is that the center of the flower seems to glow.   Posted: 12/21/2024 23:15:32


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