Peter Dominowski  

Z Two Lionesses by Peter Dominowski

July 2024 - Z Two Lionesses

About the Image(s)

A pair of Lionesses take an afternoon break at the watering hole. The male lion they travel with is nearby while they take a moment to rest. Zimanga Private Game Reserve, Mkuze, South Africa. February, 2024.

Sony Alpha 1
Sony 70-200 @ 70mm
ISO 800
1/500 @ f/5.0

Image was cropped and processed in Adobe Lightroom.

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5 comments posted

Leslie Larson   Leslie Larson
Very good DOF and focus. Wish you hadn't cut off the reflection. Whole photo is too light in my opinion and needs to be toned down a bit offering more contrast with the background.   Posted: 07/12/2024 20:14:14

John Stumbos   John Stumbos
Peter, what a fabulous shot! Really takes the viewer right to the scene. I like the overall brightness. I don't think this shot needs more contrast. I agree that the crop might be a bit too tight--especially cutting off the lioness's head in the reflection (assuming you got it in the original capture). Nonetheless, an outstanding image. Well done.   Posted: 07/16/2024 03:53:18

Judy Haran   Judy Haran
Good job getting such a sharp photo of these two. Was this from a vehicle, or were you in a blind? Or across the water?

The brightness makes me think this was mid-day. I might play with some more contrast. Can you post the uncropped photo?   Posted: 07/16/2024 13:43:38

Peter Dominowski   Peter Dominowski
Thanks everyone for your helpful comments.

This was taken from a blind, which is why the reflection of the lionesses head is cut off...the window frame of the blind begins just beyond the crop on the lower side of the photo.

Differing opinions about the brightness and contrast...I'll go back and process it differently and see what I think.

I was curious if anyone would comment on the lioness in the background being out of focus.   Posted: 07/16/2024 15:33:41

Sarita Yeola   Sarita Yeola
Hi Peter, Great image. My first thought was I wish the reflection was not cropped out but the blind explains it all. I see that the out of focus lioness but it doesn't bother me. I think may be because she has created the middle ground for this photograph. All of my attention stays on the details of the lioness in foreground.   Posted: 07/17/2024 22:06:20