John Stumbos  

Land of Enchantment on an April morning by John Stumbos

July 2024 - Land of Enchantment on an April morning

About the Image(s)

On a recent visit to New Mexico, I took the dog for a walk one morning. The weather was unusually cool and overcast, not the turquoise blue skies we usually get during April. I wanted to do something a little different to capture the expansiveness of the landscape, so I slowed the shutter speed down to 1/6 sec at f/22 and panned the camera handheld. The ISO was set at 100. Lens: 17-40 at 40 mm.

In Adobe Camera Raw post processing, I set the profile to Camera Landscape to bring the colors up. I brought the exposure down a full stop; contrast up 27; highlights down 100; shadows up 71; white point up 63; black point down 69. In the color sliders I set the white balance to 4,850; tint 11; vibrance 11; and saturation 3. I also added some texture (27) and clarity (37), as well adjusting the dehaze filter by 7 points. Then I cropped the image to a 16X9 format to emphasize the horizon and cut out some of the foreground.

My intent in making these changes was to give the image more pop than in the original RAW file and to show you how the New Mexico landscape feels to me. The result is a creative departure from the representational photographs I typically share with you, but one that I like. That’s what matters to me. Capturing a mood to convey emotion is what I seek to achieve in my photography.

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11 comments posted

Leslie Larson   Leslie Larson
Well it does evoke colors of NM. Personally I would have liked a bit more detail in the sweep.   Posted: 07/12/2024 20:20:36
John Stumbos   John Stumbos
Thanks for your comment, Leslie. I could not have added more detail to this image. The landscape here is devoid of structures. My objective was to capture the open expanse of desert and sky on an unusual day. ICM tends to meld everything together to produce these impressionistic images.   Posted: 07/18/2024 02:23:41

Peter Dominowski   Peter Dominowski
Interesting experiment with ICM.

I like the contrast in colors between the field and the sky, but I agree with Leslie that I'm yearning for a bit more detail in the field.

But ICM pix are almost all congrats for posting it to get our feedback!

  Posted: 07/13/2024 01:27:25
John Stumbos   John Stumbos
Thanks, Peter. Please see my comment to Leslie, above. There was literally no more detail to add from this open landscape devoid of structures.   Posted: 07/18/2024 02:25:05

Sherry Icardi   Sherry Icardi
I really like it, the colors are beautiful and evokes a peaceful feeling which is common in the ICM. I think that is why people try them. I've tried once and it was a horrible result. and now I'm not sure I would try again. My Australian friend loves ICM, Infrared, and double exposures. Congrats on attempting it....and keep trying I bet it will continue to provide unique and lovely images!   Posted: 07/15/2024 19:56:05
John Stumbos   John Stumbos
Thanks, Sherry. Just stretching my wings a bit with some creative techniques. Who knows, I may even stretch further and try some serious bird photography. Cheers.   Posted: 07/18/2024 16:35:39

Judy Haran   Judy Haran
I love ICM and I think this is a terrific photo. I am trying to learn this and I appreciate you sharing the settings. I do not think there should have been more details in the photo. You captured a mood and a feeling. It could have been a beach/ocean photo as well. If it were mine I would print it.   Posted: 07/16/2024 13:49:19
John Stumbos   John Stumbos
Hi Judy, Thanks for such a favorable response to my image. I think I will print it. That's something I don't do enough anyway. I really knew nothing about ICM until about a year and a half ago. I was introduced to it by a an online group called My Photo Club, based in the UK. They have weekly online presentations by photographers from all over the world. Last about two hours for a nominal fee of less than $5. Well worth it. Not all are about ICM but many talk about it and other creative techniques. I encourage you to check it out. Just Google it. The host, Roy Morris, is very responsive and a funny, engaging British wit. Cheers.--John   Posted: 07/18/2024 16:46:55

Sarita Yeola   Sarita Yeola
It is a pleasing combination of colors and layers. It is not an easy task to achieve what you have presented. Thank you for sharing.   Posted: 07/17/2024 21:41:47
John Stumbos   John Stumbos
Thanks, Sarita. Just trying to expand my horizons with ICM. Not all results are as pleasing but this one seems to be liked by my peers. Appreciate the support.--John   Posted: 07/18/2024 16:48:19

Leslie Larson   Leslie Larson
I didn't even know what you meant by ICM, but I've looked it up and maybe will give it a try sometime. I have seen some good ones using trees as the subject.   Posted: 07/18/2024 15:56:24