I’ve been visiting Haines in early December for the past few years, and have often seen bear tracks in the snow near the Chilkat River. On one occasion, we even caught a glimpse of a bear as we drove towards the river, but I never thought I’d actually get to photograph one. This year, I heard about a bear in and near the eagle preserve, and I wondered if we could be so lucky. Well, guess what? We were!
The light was a bit dim when the bear joined the eagles at the river, and my ISO was way higher than I wanted, but the situation was just too special to pass up. The sun was setting when this bear made its appearance, and the failing light and falling snow made it a bit tricky to get sharp images. I had to delete more than I kept, but I’m very happy with the keepers. I hope you enjoy this photo. The bear made me laugh so much as it searched the snowy riverbank for fish. When it pulled its face out of the snow, it was often completely covered in snow, or there was just a hint of an eye surrounded by white. We even saw it dig into the ice and pull a fish out of the river. The bear looked so satisfied with its catch.
ISO: 7200
Aperture: 8
Shutter: 1/400
8 comments posted
Ginny Salus
Love it! the focus of the falling snow is great! the bear seems to be looking at you! Also love the background, I can see they are trees, so they set the scene, but do not detract from the bear. The snow creates a 'mask' for his face, giving him a very different demeanor.   Posted: 01/08/2025 11:43:45
Barbara Eddy
Thanks, Ginny! I really appreciate your kind words. I love knowing how you interpret the shot. It was such an exciting experience with that bear.   Posted: 01/08/2025 12:37:37
Frans Gunterus
Hi Barbara. What a wonderful capture. Not just the image. But I like your story telling how you get this scene. You are not just a lucky photographer but you are a real guru who can build enthusiasm in others. We are Lucky to have you here in this group.   Posted: 01/08/2025 18:34:06
Barbara Eddy
Hey Frans, thanks a bunch for that kind comment! I've been fortunate enough to have some great experiences out in the field, and I absolutely love photography. I'm always happy to share my passion with others.   Posted: 01/08/2025 23:26:04
Janet Pieper
This one makes me smile. I love it, but I hope you weren't too close! I thought about suggesting you add a little highlight to the eyes so that you can see them, but I'm not sure if it's even necessary. Something you could try if you feel like it.   Posted: 01/09/2025 19:44:33
Barbara Eddy
Janet, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! I'm so glad this one made you smile. I tried my best to make the eye have some detail and or highlight, but I couldn't quite get it right. I'll definitely go back to this image and see if I can find anything else I can do to make it better. Thanks again for your suggestions!   Posted: 01/10/2025 10:41:47
Art Jacoby
(Group 38)
I like the composition and I think the falling snow brings added value. You might try using selective color to make the snow a wit whiter. Just a thought.   Posted: 01/10/2025 04:10:56
Barbara Eddy
Art, I appreciate your feedback. I had tried whitening the snow but not with selective coler. I'll give this a try. Many thanks!   Posted: 01/10/2025 10:46:03