Pete Scifres, PPSA, GPSA
About the Image(s)
I have been thinking about another multiple exposure image for a while and finally got around to getting my 13-year-old granddaughter to "pose" as a model. I used a nearby winding trail for the shot(s), launched the drone, and when it was positioned as I wanted over the trail I told her to start running. She dressed in red to make her show up better in the images.
The drone is about 200 feet up. It is a DJI Air 2S
The original image has just basic LR adjustments, copied and pasted onto all ten images, and then merged via successive layer masks. In the final image I added some Orton effect and fog to go for sort of a dreamy look. Hence the title "Running in a Dream", after the current popular song
Question for the group: Which version do you like better?