Lauren Heerschap  

Street Opera Diva by Lauren Heerschap

July 2024 - Street Opera Diva

About the Image(s)

On a recent trip to Spain, in Barcelona I photographed this street performer. She was singing very high notes of an opera. I wondered what her story was, and why there was a man's hat behind her? I did a double take; I think the person was really singing a 1st soprano, but
that hat...

ISO 1600, 70mm. f8, 1/60 sec.

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11 comments posted

Karl Leck   Karl Leck
Hi Lauren, Great expressive street photo. The vignetting helps frame the singer. The hat? We can only guess. Does it mean she has a male cohort or protector? Is her cohort out picking pockets in the audience? Is this a person in drag? I love your photo. At the Olympics in Barcelona in 1992, however, was the only time I've had cameras stolen. Karl   Posted: 07/06/2024 21:21:01

Judith Lesnaw   Judith Lesnaw
Wonderful street action. The detail, vibrant colors and soft background are striking. She looks impassioned. Perhaps she was singing about her man that got away and all she has left of him is his hat. Or perhaps the hat is usually turned over and placed in front of her for tips - but this one was on the house. Is that you in reflection?   Posted: 07/12/2024 01:50:55
Lauren Heerschap   Lauren Heerschap
Thanks Judith, I didn't notice the my reflection in the window! I was wearing a blue shirt. Should I blur that?   Posted: 07/15/2024 19:24:50
Judith Lesnaw   Judith Lesnaw
I would leave your reflection in the image as it adds a great touch.   Posted: 07/15/2024 19:33:59

Peter Newman   Peter Newman
Hi Lauren - Very nice image, telling a good story. The diva exudes her enthusiasm and enjoyment while performing with self-confidence. Her positioning at a slight angle makes the image look dynamic. The hat creates an air of mystery which I see as supported by the background reflection. The horizontal and vertical lines of the building act as leading lines to the subject.
The story is strong enough to overcome any relatively technical issues that might be raised by a picayune pictorialist. i.e. the diva is a bit soft. If there was no vignette it should do well in a PJ competition.
  Posted: 07/15/2024 14:15:17
Lauren Heerschap   Lauren Heerschap
Yes, I will remove the vignetter, which now seems to be too strong if I enter it in a photojournalism contest.   Posted: 07/15/2024 19:25:31
Lauren Heerschap   Lauren Heerschap
Thanks Peter. I did enter her in a photojournalism competition and she is singing away in the Western Washington State Fair International Competition. We will see what the judges think, if she makes it into the show!   Posted: 07/24/2024 00:41:31
Peter Newman   Peter Newman
Hope that you have top right judges, and she sings in top voice, to the top.   Posted: 07/24/2024 16:14:02

Freddie Kelvin   Freddie Kelvin
What a compelling street shot! This melodramatic lady is beautifully captured. I would not be surprised if the hat is there just to add a touch more drama to her appearance. Since I love opera, this is magical!   Posted: 07/23/2024 18:37:01
Lauren Heerschap   Lauren Heerschap
Thanks Freddie. Since you could hear her down the block singing arias, it was magical!   Posted: 07/24/2024 00:39:51

Freddie Kelvin   Freddie Kelvin
What a compelling street shot! This melodramatic lady is beautifully captured. I would not be surprised if the hat is there just to add a touch more drama to her appearance. Since I love opera, this is magical!   Posted: 07/27/2024 12:24:47