Sunil Mehta
About the Image(s)
Camera: Leica Q
Lens: 28mm /f1.7
ISO 100, 1/3200 Sec at f/1.7
Lightroom and Photoshop
Visited Hot Springs, Arkansas, last month and saw a child playing in the sand along the lake shore.
The bright red hoodie stood out against the deep blue of the water and sky, creating a striking contrast.
5 comments posted
Wow, I would have ignored the scene, but highlighting the barrels really tied it together. You are the master of making so-so scenes come alive.
I might consider cropping from the right and ditching the white building, as it isn't part of the blue/red/boy scene.   Posted: 02/03/2025 03:05:28
I might consider cropping from the right and ditching the white building, as it isn't part of the blue/red/boy scene.   Posted: 02/03/2025 03:05:28
Cropping may disrupt the balance; only the white building was removed.   Posted: 02/06/2025 17:49:26
I love the colors but not fond of the main subject in the center of the frame. Yes, you might consider cropping your frame as Brenda suggested.   Posted: 02/06/2025 17:31:42
Thanks Jean,
Subject is in the center.
right side building removed and reposted.   Posted: 02/06/2025 17:51:01
Subject is in the center.
right side building removed and reposted.   Posted: 02/06/2025 17:51:01