Member Bios

Group Admin

Brenda Fishbaugh, QPSA

Brenda Fishbaugh, QPSA

I'm Brenda Fishbaugh. I'm 65 years old and live in Fort Wayne, Indiana half the year and half the year in Sebring, FL. My husband got me a used Canon in 2010 for a trip to Africa, so I'm kind of new to this (and have upgraded three times since then!).

I just retired from running an international business, so photography is a hobby. I am competing in some PSA International competitions and have 3 second stars.

I'm looking to improve and really want critique. I wanted a General Digital we started a new group and I'm suddenly Admin! It's my first time, always open for suggestions!

Jean Wu

Jean Wu

I am amateur enthusiastic photographer with science and art degrees (CS and MFA). I worked in IT field many years and retired in 2020. Prior to 2019 (Covid) I traveled to many places and took lots of photos over the years. My love of photography from landscape, architecture, nature, abstraction, and creative genres. I used Canon 5D Mark IV and 2 lenses during my trips in the past but they are getting too heavy for me, so, I’ve been using my iPhone for my last few trips. I love post processing my photos because 'image making’ is creative and fun.

Sunil Mehta

Sunil Mehta

A native of Bombay, India - my tryst with photography dates back to the early 1980s. Teaming up with a group of enthusiasts in the Photographic Society of India I had a very curious spell watching the skills of the stalwarts of that era and beyond.

Armed with a diploma in Industrial electronics and a diploma in photography the obvious choice was to be identified with a photofinishing enterprise of that period so that I could get a firsthand experience how the automated machines performed and eventually how the photographic darkrooms graduated to the industry parenthesis and a ringside view of the other side of the coin namely, printing. The stint in India was a very fruitful one that lasted for a decade and a half before I moved to the Republic of Congo to be associated with one of the majors in the industry namely Fujifilm, Central/Western- Africa as the technical manager also in charge of the operations. I wound up my contract with Fuji after a fulfilling association of 23 years.

Though I had the fortune to experience all the majors, Leica has been close to the chest, literally and a couple of them (the Leica Q and Leica SL) travel with me all the time. I am keenly interested in the happenings on the street and during travel. The preferred mode of exposition is in Black and White.

I currently reside in Lewisville Texas, and member of the Dallas Camera Club.

My personal website is:

Hai Ning Chen

Bio Coming Soon . . .

Pei-Fan Mu

Pei-Fan Mu

I live in Taiwan and as a teacher at a University. My major is in nursing and focusing on oncology nursing, long-term care, pediatric nursing and depressive art therapy for graduated program. Especially, I love ethnography and phenomenology. I got my MS and PhD from University of Minnesota on 1993. I love travel and take photos. I enjoy to watch the birds, and animal life style, their interaction and relationships. Also I
would like to learn more about the beauty of photography in regarding the unique and different way of seeing the world, the beauty of life. Currently, I belong to the photographic society of Taiwan since 2019.

Robert Schleif

Robert Schleif

I am a professor of Biology and Biophysics at Johns Hopkins University. Despite never having displayed significant artistic abilities, I have always been sufficiently interested in art and design to have worked on my own at developing my limited abilities. Thus, I did some photography as a youngster, did more during my post doctoral studies, then turned to graphics and learned Adobe Illustrator so that I could draw all the figures for two of my books, both of which I designed (consulting with the publishers' artists). As I'm not now writing a book and also no longer have a need to design and build our household furniture, my artistic creative urges are currently being satisfied with trying to improve my photography. When I returned to photography, about five years ago, I spent a year or so learning the technical aspects. Now, most of my effort goes into the artistic aspects. Contrary to my maxim of trying to use the best tools, I do not use Adobe Photoshop. I happened to have gotten started using a program called Picture Window Pro, which is very powerful, and operates at a rather fundamental level.

Ed Ogle

Ed Ogle

I grew up in the mountain resort town of Gatlinburg, Tennessee which is just outside the Great Smokey Mountains National Park. My parents worked for the park service so I grew up mostly in the forest there. I spent my career working in high tech research and development. I moved to Colorado from Tennessee in 1984 and these two states are the only places I have lived. I currently live in Loveland, CO and am a member of the Loveland Photographic Society which is a PSA sponsor.

I developed an interest in photography around age 11 and have maintained that interest off and on all throughout my life. Because of my connection to the National Park Service, I was exposed to lots of photography early on. Around the time Covid 19 started (2020) I made the decision to join the two local camera clubs, Loveland Photographic Society and Fort Collins Digital Camera Club, because they were meeting on-line. Before that I really didn’t interact with other photographers.

My wife and I are still very active and when our various age-related afflictions are under control, we spend a lot of time climbing and skiing in the Colorado Rockies. I am also very interested in botany, biology and astronomy. I am a member of the Colorado Native Plant Society. Wildflowers, mountain landscapes and night sky photography are common subjects of my work.