Brenda Fishbaugh, QPSA  

Christmas Green Heron by Brenda Fishbaugh, QPSA

January 2025 - Christmas Green Heron

January 2025 - Brenda Fishbaugh, QPSA


About the Image(s)

Sorry, glitch trying to load Pei-Fan's images, and they wound up in my images, removing all my descriptions. Thanks to Robert for catching it.

Trying again--
Canon R5 Canon 2000-800mm
ISO 1250 800mm f/9.0 1/2000 sec

On November 29, we drove 3.5 hours to the Everglades' Shark Valley. Very disappointing and super hot. Absolutely nothing there, as it was badly overgrown with invasive spadderdock (a type of lilypad that chokes the flowing water of the Everglades).

On the drive home on Alligator Alley (a long road with nothing but alligators), we pulled off every mile or so and hopped out and went to the creek that runs along most roads in Florida. We found all sorts of birds and plenty of monster alligators. The trick was getting out of the car without shutting the door, as all the birds would get scared and take flight.

We pulled over a couple of dozen times. This is a pic of a green heron, they are about six inches tall and when it stretches its neck is about 15 inches tall. Green herons are usually very low to the water, on a horizontal branch and very hidden, as they are very shy. Most images are of them buried in the branches.

We must have spooked this one, as it jumped from its low fishing perch into this Brazilian pepper. I knew right away it would be the print for my Christmas card (and it was).

I cropped and made it a vertical for printing as a Christmas card, I brightened the berries and darkened the leaves and the bird poop.

I'd like to enter it in PSA Nature, so I can remove things.

Any suggestions? Thanks so much and Happy 2025 in the best Digital Dialogue Group!

12 comments posted

Robert Schleif   Robert Schleif
That's pretty amazing editing--from what looks like a ribbon dancer to what looks like a bird.
Seriously though, on my monitor the bright red berries distract from the bird. For some purposes, perhaps less bright?   Posted: 01/02/2025 14:52:33
Brenda Fishbaugh   Brenda Fishbaugh
Hi Robert! I saw your Jan 2 message, but didn't understand what you were saying! Today, I figured it out--Pei-Fan's pic wound up on my page and my final image and explanation were replaced by Pei-Fan's info.

Please take a new look and let me know your thoughts! Thanks!   Posted: 01/07/2025 16:10:37
Robert Schleif   Robert Schleif
Berries too bright.   Posted: 01/07/2025 22:14:03
Brenda Fishbaugh   Brenda Fishbaugh
Thanks, Robert, I'll adjust that after the rest of the comments come in.   Posted: 01/14/2025 22:03:09
Pei-Fan Mu   Pei-Fan Mu
I'm sorry for causing so much trouble. So sorry.The future should be better.   Posted: 01/12/2025 10:58:01
Brenda Fishbaugh   Brenda Fishbaugh
Pei-Fan, no worries! Do you have any suggestions for my image?   Posted: 01/14/2025 22:03:46

Sunil Mehta   Sunil Mehta
I've always admired your bird and nature photography-this shot is beautifully captured! Regarding post-processing, I feel that flipping the photo doesn't add much to the final result, and the colors seem a bit oversaturated. A simple crop with a slight boost in saturation might enhance the image more naturally.   Posted: 01/12/2025 03:56:39
Brenda Fishbaugh   Brenda Fishbaugh
Thanks, Sunil! I flipped for a specific purpose of a Christmas card being opened. Now that I don't need the image to be facing that way, I can go back to the original. I'll drop some of the saturation after all comments are in.   Posted: 01/14/2025 22:05:43

Ed Ogle   Ed Ogle
I like the color combinations and the way your cropped it. I think the bright berries are a little distracting. I'm not sure you can flip the image like this and still enter it in PSA nature.   Posted: 01/14/2025 20:58:26
Brenda Fishbaugh   Brenda Fishbaugh
Thanks, Ed! I'll desaturate the berries and any other changes suggested when all the comments come in. You can flip the entire image in PSA Nature, but no need for a flip going forward, as I did it just to face the opening on my Christmas card. I appreciate it!   Posted: 01/14/2025 22:08:12

Jean Wu   Jean Wu
I always admire folks having the passion, patience, and physical energy (to carry all the gears) in bird watching and photography. The bird is beautiful but the background added too much distractions. I would blur most of the background except the foreground surrounding the bird.   Posted: 01/15/2025 23:23:25

Bev Caine   Bev Caine
(Groups 24 & 48 & 58)
My comments would be similar to the majority. So sorry that you were so close to us and didn't touch base.   Posted: 01/16/2025 16:17:08


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