Ed Ogle  

Untitled  by Ed Ogle

November 2024 - Untitled

November 2024 - Ed Ogle


About the Image(s)

0.8 second
ISO 12,800
EV +1.33

A sunset photo from Monument Valley made right at the very end of the day when the last vestige of the sunset was visible.

This is kind of an experimental photograph made under extreme conditions of light and dark. I did a whole bunch of post processing to the point that you might say it’s ‘over-cooked’.
• Adobie camera RAW noise reduction.
• Breaking the foreground, background and sky into individual layers and editing each individually.

I kind of like the result but also kind of don’t. What do you think and how would you edit it???

This round’s discussion is now closed!
7 comments posted

Brenda Fishbaugh   Brenda Fishbaugh
Ed, it is a dilemma! I am sure it was so gorgeous, but its tricky to bring that out.

I selected subject and added some yellow, texture and clarity. I then cloned a bit of the left sky over the the right side.

I like yours better than mine. But it was a fun experiment.   Posted: 11/03/2024 01:52:46
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Ed Ogle   Ed Ogle
Thanks, it's just an experiment. Your version look too bright and it seems to bring out the noise but the color looks good. Anyway I have been playing with the oil-paint feature under stylize in Photoshop lately. I've gotten some results that I really like. I've found that it doesn't work well on the sky so I mask the sky in this version and used the oil-paint filter on everything else.   Posted: 11/07/2024 15:04:25
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Robert Schleif   Robert Schleif
I like this a lot, and while I prefer to "take" good images and not "make" them, despite all that you described, I don't think that your editing has changed what you were seeing in your mind's eye as you took it. I prefer your treatment of the rock column whereas in Brenda's version, to me it feels unnaturally bright in view of the illumination everywhere. I am a little perplexed however by the fact that in your original and in your processed image, the sun seems to be to the right of the rock column, but the trees below the rock seem to be illuminated from the left.   Posted: 11/04/2024 00:51:40
Ed Ogle   Ed Ogle
I think that the trees in the foreground are being illuminated by the street lights in the parking lot where this photo was taken. If you look at the original the bush on the viewer's right is really bright. This was the parking lot of the resort owned and run by the Navajo Nation. Again, this is just an experimental photo that I thought would be interesting to share and discuss. I really wouldn't want this hanging on my wall.   Posted: 11/07/2024 15:00:42

Jo-Ann Rolle   Jo-Ann Rolle
Ed, this is a fascinating experiment with light and shadow in challenging conditions! The layered editing really brings depth to the scene, and your creative use of the oil-paint filter adds a unique texture. Thanks for sharing such a dramatic yet experimental image with the group!   Posted: 11/11/2024 17:42:11

Jim Hagan   Jim Hagan
I like your image and especially the way you highlighted the vegetation in front of the monument. A minor suggestion is to crop some off the right side, so the monument is not so centered in the composition.   Posted: 11/12/2024 12:53:11
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Sunil Mehta   Sunil Mehta
This is great, liked it.
Nothing to suggest.   Posted: 11/15/2024 03:55:46