Adrian Binney, PPSA, LRPS
About the Image(s)
With apologies to Bruce who has seen a separate Grebe image from my session in April via the Bird Group 91 we are both in, but I like this image so I’d share it within this group.
There is a lake close to us in Hampshire, southern UK which attracts a variety of birds and this year a pair of Grebes had young for us to enjoy. It’s surprising how small in the frame birds can become, despite them appearing close by sight - a long lens is needed, or a significant crop.
I was using my Olympus OM-1 body which has excellent bird tracking auto focussing (to the eye) plus wildlife lens 150-400, with the internal 1.25 extension activated - but zoomed out a bit to 406 (so 812 FF) at 1/1,600, f5.6 and 2,500 ISO.
Developed in Lightroom (mostly locally on the birds), then sharpening and noise control through Topaz Photo Ai
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5 comments posted
Grebes are one of my favourite birds and I would love to have the opportunity to capture such a fantastic moment of a Grebe feeding its chick.Your cropping and editing work well and enhance the image. I love the drops of water in the mum and the reflection in the water.
  Posted: 07/13/2024 11:21:11
(Group 79)
Nice capture of an intimate moment. The crop works to enhance the natural lines and shape created between the baby, Mama, and Mama's reflection. The morsel is the lightest part of the image which also helps to bring the attention in.   Posted: 07/29/2024 21:03:28