Group 72 Bulletin Board
7 threads - 18 total comments
This page is dedicated to discussions about our theme (Nature Plus) that are outside the scope of our monthly images.
Thread Title: Missed 19th deadline for comments
Sorry all. I had it on my calendar to post comments by today, 7/20, and now find it is ⬓before the 20thâ¬. My calendar is updated. Thanks for the comments on my turtle image. I did want to post my comment to Barbara that I attempted to post.
<br />⬓ Barbara, I really like your crop. To me it is an artistic image you have created instead of a photo of a bee. If you were going for an image of a bee foraging, then the tighter crop and reducing the yellow cast by Issac works better. I love artistic images, so am drawn to your initial crop and tint. ⬓
<br />   Posted: 07/20/2024 19:55:18
<br />⬓ Barbara, I really like your crop. To me it is an artistic image you have created instead of a photo of a bee. If you were going for an image of a bee foraging, then the tighter crop and reducing the yellow cast by Issac works better. I love artistic images, so am drawn to your initial crop and tint. ⬓
<br />   Posted: 07/20/2024 19:55:18
Thread Title: Image of the year award for Adrian Binney
Hey Adrian, I was just reading the email I received from PSA announcing the image of the year awards and was disappointed to see that my image was not among the winners but was really pleased to see your name listed as a winner of the silver medal. Congratulations for a great accomplishment. Bruce   Posted: 08/23/2022 21:37:27
Many thanks Bruce. I only saw the personal note from PSA today, as I was at sea yesterday off Norway. The image (added below) was taken in 2015 during a v successful Masai Mara trip. It has had a few awards and got a Gold Medal last year - which was enough of a surprise! I⬙m new to entering Exhibitions.
The judges said ⬓ Study of life & death- crocodile head/body out of water-mouth open with wildebeest intestines coming out of the animal⬙s side while wildebeest still standing⬠and ⬓ The judges and I were excited by your image ⬓Wildebeest and Crocodileâ¬. This is a very unusual image with such a powerful nature story. I am certainly glad we got it as an entry.⬠  Posted: 08/24/2022 12:29:08
The judges said ⬓ Study of life & death- crocodile head/body out of water-mouth open with wildebeest intestines coming out of the animal⬙s side while wildebeest still standing⬠and ⬓ The judges and I were excited by your image ⬓Wildebeest and Crocodileâ¬. This is a very unusual image with such a powerful nature story. I am certainly glad we got it as an entry.⬠  Posted: 08/24/2022 12:29:08
Congratulations Adrian! The photo is fabulous. I can see why it won the award.   Posted: 08/25/2022 21:54:34
Thread Title: Can't submit image
Isaac, I've been trying for days to send in my May image and the email bounces back and says that the domain of your email isn't available. Is there another email I can use?
Mary Lou   Posted: 05/07/2022 02:54:56
Mary Lou   Posted: 05/07/2022 02:54:56
Thread Title: About Marie Constanza
On a personal note, I am delighted to share with you that last month I was offered, and accepted, the opportunity to become a partner at a local Photography Gallery called Image City Photography Gallery. I was so honored and I am very excited about this!
Instagram: Costanzamarie
  Posted: 02/26/2022 19:15:27
Instagram: Costanzamarie
  Posted: 02/26/2022 19:15:27
Thread Title: Camera settings for hummingbirds?
I⬙m booked to go to Costa Rica for 2 weeks from this Sunday. For hummingbirds I plan to have cameras set at speed priority, thereby leaving lens wide open and setting speed around 1/1000.
I suspect a faster speed will be needed to fully freeze the wings, but is this desirable? Could it be better to leave some motion blur in the wings?
I⬙ll be mostly at at least FF equivalent of 600 mm.
I hope this is an OK use of this B Board! I ask as I know that most here have good experience of photographing hummingbirds! Thanks   Posted: 02/08/2022 16:50:38
I suspect a faster speed will be needed to fully freeze the wings, but is this desirable? Could it be better to leave some motion blur in the wings?
I⬙ll be mostly at at least FF equivalent of 600 mm.
I hope this is an OK use of this B Board! I ask as I know that most here have good experience of photographing hummingbirds! Thanks   Posted: 02/08/2022 16:50:38
Adrian, you can try with different shutter speeds. To freeze the wings you need more than 1/1000 sec. Have a great time.   Posted: 02/08/2022 16:59:33
Adrian, As Isaac said minimum of 1/1000 I normally use up to 1/3500. Keep in mind that as close range which I suspect you will have the depth of field is very shallow, as low as a few millimeters. I waisted several hundred bluebird images with my 400 2.8 shooting from minimum focus range and realized later that the depth of field was only about 2-3 mm. I was only about 15 feet away from the birds. Hope you have a great time there, it is an awesome place for photography.
Bruce   Posted: 02/10/2022 23:11:23
Bruce   Posted: 02/10/2022 23:11:23
Thanks Bruce and understood!   Posted: 02/11/2022 16:23:53
Thread Title: Editing Eyes in Wildlife Photos
I happen to be a fan of Matt Kloskowski. He has made a ton of videos featuring tips and tricks for editing images using Photoshop and Lightroom. Today I received a notice about a new video he just posted. It was a tip on something I have been doing for years regarding how to edit eyes in wildlife photos. I'm attaching the link for this video here. The first 4 minutes and the most important but I suggest watching the entire video.
Regards Larry   Posted: 09/03/2020 17:23:17
Regards Larry   Posted: 09/03/2020 17:23:17
Lightroom has a default preset for local adjustments called Iris enhance. That is usually a good starting point. I used to adjust the colors with Temp and tint, but now that you can adjust the Hue, I've been playing with that a bit more.   Posted: 09/03/2020 18:20:49
Thread Title: Earth Day 2020
Earth Day 2020
Mountain Views
A Pastoral Scene
Mountain Sunrise
Red Rock Country
The Power of Waterfalls
The%20Power%20of%20Waterfalls.mp4?dl=0   Posted: 06/25/2020 18:33:42
Earth Day 2020
Mountain Views
A Pastoral Scene
Mountain Sunrise
Red Rock Country
The Power of Waterfalls
The%20Power%20of%20Waterfalls.mp4?dl=0   Posted: 06/25/2020 18:33:42
Thanks, Issac.   Posted: 06/25/2020 18:43:37
This was a great way to look back over our communications in the past. Thanks for doing this, Isaac.   Posted: 02/08/2022 17:00:06
Thanks Issac and I much enjoyed looking at these images by Mary! Very nicely put together and many, many lovely images!   Posted: 06/28/2020 12:53:43
Thanks Isaac,I enjoyed seeing so many of Mary's images especially the red rocks. Bruce   Posted: 09/03/2020 20:16:32
Thanks, Isaac for posting these. Mary, I thoroughly enjoyed your serene videos and stunning images.   Posted: 09/03/2020 23:15:17