Dr Isaac Vaisman, APSA, PPSA  

Silverback Gorilla by Dr Isaac Vaisman, APSA, PPSA

July 2024 - Silverback Gorilla

July 2024 - Dr Isaac Vaisman, APSA, PPSA


About the Image(s)

JJ was a 35 year old Gorilla at the Miami Zoo who past away a few years back due to heart problems. They are originally from Western Africa. As you can see he was pocking his nose with a piece of dry grass. I felt that the B&W interpretation has more impact. The image labeled Original is out of camera with no PP.

The image was created with a Nikon D4 and the Nikkor zoom lens 80-400 mm f/4.5-5.6 @ 400 mm and these settings: ISO 500, f/10 and 1/60 sec. The image was PP in LightRoom and cropped. B&W interpretation was created using Silver Effex 2

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6 comments posted

Maria Mazo   Maria Mazo
Hi Isaac,
You have captured such an interesting behaviour of this Gorilla, recording this moment as nice memory since it is not possible to see him anymore.The image works well in monochrome, but I find it a bit overexposed and a little flat. I would suggest using a darker background and applying some dogging and burning to add more dimensionality. Also, I notice that the interior of the mouth is too bright, my eye is drawn to the lightest areas first, which are the background and the mouth
  Posted: 07/13/2024 11:53:03
Comment Image
Dr Isaac Vaisman   Dr Isaac Vaisman
Maria, this also works for me   Posted: 07/17/2024 20:56:24

Barbara Gore   Barbara Gore
Hi Isaac. I like the original natural color image and the black and white interpretation. I wonder if the gorilla is using the stick in his nose to help clear his nostril. The crop is good bringing more attention gorilla. For me there is an overuse of highlights making the image feel harsh. Maria's version provides more richness to the image. Nice capture.   Posted: 07/22/2024 23:08:03

Chris Walsh   Chris Walsh
Fun capture! I think the transfer to B/W and the crop are both working well, the scene seems less like an enclosure and so my first thought was of behavior caught in the wild, not in a zoo. I think Maria has nailed it on the highlights and her edit is more inviting to my eyes.

Nice sharp image, and a commendable use of a 1x1 crop as well.   Posted: 07/25/2024 21:27:53

Adrian Binney   Adrian Binney
Mono certainly works here Isaac and I'm impressed with what Maria has done too. His darker mouth stops our eye going to it and we see his grey hair better. The background also disappears. Impressive image of an impressive beast.   Posted: 07/27/2024 21:29:36

Heather Ebey   Heather Ebey
(Group 79)
Like others, I like the crop and conversion to B&W. My eye went immediately to the pick.   Posted: 07/27/2024 23:53:45