Mary Frost
About the Image(s)
For this kaleidoscopic graphic image, I started with my original image of swallows. I cropped out the swallow on the right side and used it as the basis for creating the final design.
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11 comments posted
Mary, you have shown us examples and information as how to create this type of composite image in the past. Nice sequence of events from the original image, the crop, and the building of the kaleidoscope. The mirror image of the swallow repeated 8 times.   Posted: 09/09/2023 16:39:28
Thanks, Isaac. I find that photographers see the benefits of working in Layers when they play around with these creative techniques.   Posted: 09/09/2023 19:19:31
I recall you presenting this form of art before and I love this version. Very skilful and successful. The backlight side feathers adds to your art. Lovely. Must have taken time to create. Thank you for showing us!   Posted: 09/11/2023 06:26:00
The process of creating Kaleidoscopes isn't difficult. It requires one to repeat a series of movements, once for each multiple. In this photo, the rotation is 22.5 degrees, leaving me with an 8-sided object.   Posted: 09/11/2023 13:22:21
(Groups 36 & 47)
Creative presentation Mary! I remember when you shared the instructions on how to create this type of image but still haven't tried it. The warm woodsy colors work well together and the pattern draws me into the image almost hypnotic. Nicely done.   Posted: 09/11/2023 12:35:21
I often teach these techniques to students beginning to get serious on image development because it clearly shows the value of working in layers. I, too, especially like this creation.   Posted: 09/11/2023 13:23:48
Hi Mary,
I love this version that shows us another way to interpret nature as art. I have never tried this technique, but I think it could be a good exercise for some of my images.
I love the pattern that the repetition has created, and the colors work very well. Very nice and well done!   Posted: 09/16/2023 04:28:53
Mary, if you don't have the directions for making Kaleidoscopes, get back to me (; and I'll send it to you.   Posted: 09/16/2023 19:09:08
Hey Mary, what an interesting perspective and a nice image. You are blessed with something I have little of, creativity. I wish I had some but it is just not in me. Really well done. Bruce   Posted: 09/18/2023 02:22:23
Mary, Your image is very creative and quite lovely! You clearly put some time and thought into this and the results are wonderful. For anyone who just wants to play around with the concept of kaleidoscope photography, there is a phone app called KaleidaCam.   Posted: 09/22/2023 14:42:55
Thanks for your suggestion. I also have the drections for creating kaleidoscopes and mandalas which I can provide.
  Posted: 09/22/2023 16:04:25
  Posted: 09/22/2023 16:04:25