Maria Small
About the Image(s)
The Elegant and Graceful American Avocet
I took this image of an American Avocet at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine, California in June of last year. It was an overcast mid-morning (June gloom) but there was
sufficient light, and the water in the pond was very still and I could see the mirror like reflec when I took several shots of this bird. It was my first time to spot American Avocets and wa
fascinated with how they were sweeping their long bills from side to side in the water. How I wished I could have gotten closer to these elegant looking and graceful birds but couldn’t.
They have very strict rules to protect the wildlife.
Shot the image with my Sony A7III. Settings were F6.3, 1/1000 s, ISO 640 , at 378 mm.
I did a huge crop in Adobe Photoshop, then used ACR to adjust the exposure, contrast and vibrance. I brightened the background and adjusted the color of the water. Among the images I captured, this is my favorite because of how the bird seems to have posed for me.
Looking forward to your comments and suggestions.