John Roach  

A Courtyard in Seville by John Roach

July 2024 - A Courtyard in Seville

About the Image(s)

During a 6 week live and learn stay in Seville, Spain, one of my many finds was this lovely courtyard in a 16th Century home in the Santa Cruz district. The home is greatly influenced by Moorish as well as some Baroque Architectural features.
This was captured with an iPhone 13 Pro, edited in Lightroom (crop, perspective adjustment, tonality and opening up some shadows) and Nik Silver Efex for the monochrome conversion for a smooth but clear and sharp structure in showing the detail.

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9 comments posted

Keisha Becerra   Keisha Becerra
Hi John, I really like your photo. The symmetry and the contrast between light and shadow add so much depth to the image. I love how the plants in the foreground provide a natural element that softens the structured lines of the building. Your image shows that you don't always need a big expensive camera to take great photos.   Posted: 07/12/2024 19:42:27

Stan Bormann   Stan Bormann
The composition is much improved with the foreground plants and table. I zoomed way in and the Moorish details are very sharp. You did well to take this with your good camera. That is what my wife, Shirley, calls her 13 Pro. I would of guessed prior to 16th century, but the Moorish craftsman were still active after the Christians dominated, or at least that is what we were told when we were there. Maybe it is just me, but I think the perspective adjustment could go further. The second story still seems to lean to the right to me.   Posted: 07/17/2024 21:40:02

Chris Prior   Chris Prior
As for the mono part I think you have done well with balancing the highlight & shadow detail and there is much fine detail evident. As for composition I find it very busy and I am searching all over the place for a focal point. I would be interested to see a wider view.   Posted: 07/19/2024 07:59:46

Don York   Don York
It is a busy composition, but I like the corner of the building composition as it gives some perspective. The detailed work in the archways and above is very impressive.   Posted: 07/20/2024 17:13:11

Don York   Don York
It is a busy composition, but I like the corner of the building composition as it gives some perspective. The detailed work in the archways and above is very impressive.   Posted: 07/20/2024 17:13:12

Don York   Don York
It is a busy composition, but I like the corner of the building composition as it gives some perspective. The detailed work in the archways and above is very impressive.   Posted: 07/20/2024 17:13:12

Jerry Snyder   Jerry Snyder
Your image beautifully captures the ornate detail of the building. It captures a sense of depth with the near and far columns and a three-dimensionality by including the second floor of the building. The gradation of tones on different faces of the building enhance the sense of depth. Very nicely done.
  Posted: 07/21/2024 23:58:51

Stuart Ord   Stuart Ord
Your picture reminds me of the Alahambra, which is also in that part of Spain. The detail is spectacular, and well captured in such a wide view.

I'm still of the belief that places like this have to be captured in a portfolio. This is a good shot for the overview of this part of the building, and others of elsewhere, and close-ups to show the carving in even more detail, might give a complete picture of the building. I might have referred to "Seeing in Sixes" that was published by Lenswork - six frames often seems to be a good number, to me.

But that's not to detract from this as a stand-alone, I think it's a nice picture.
  Posted: 07/25/2024 19:25:22

John Roach   John Roach
Thanks for the perspective given.   Posted: 07/25/2024 22:44:49