Chris Prior
About the Image(s)
Hi all, Please join with me in welcoming two new members, Patrick & Grace to the group. I look forward to viewing and discussing their images and as always it is good to get some new views on my own contributions.
My image this month: Canon 20D with Canon 70-200 f4 lens @104mm, 1/80sec f8 ISO 400. The zig zag path caught my eye so I framed it up waiting for a single person to walk through using deliberate slow shutter speed so as not to end up with a static image. Opened in RAW, slightly cropped to straighten so posts were vertical and did some dodging on woman’s face and plastic bag before converting to mono by creating a new fill adjustment layer in PS and selecting SOLID COLOR (black) and COLOR blending mode on 100% opacity. Finally tweaked contrast with curves for optimum result.