Stan Bormann, FPSA, MPSA
About the Image(s)
Belgrade St Sava Chandelier-7983 shot with an iPhone 14 Pro Max at 6.86 mm, on 10/12/24 11:16 AM at 6.86 mm at 1/50 ec, f/1.8, ISO 125. Processed ini Lightroom with Basic Panel before and after B&W conversions. his is a very beautiful and not very old cathedral. This chandelier is amazing, perhaps the heaviest in the world at 7 tons
3 comments posted
Stuart Ord
What fantastic detail! I love it. 7 tons sounds incredible, but I've just received a parcel of metal today for my model engineering, and it's surprisingly heavy. I'd be nervous standing under this! Maybe stand under the gaps, like Laurel and Hardy and Charlie Chaplin did. I hope the structural engineers did their sums correctly.
I could see a case for several pictures here, both wider and closer views. Super.
  Posted: 01/06/2025 15:35:04
I could see a case for several pictures here, both wider and closer views. Super.
  Posted: 01/06/2025 15:35:04
Chris Prior
I'm in awe with the luminance, detail and clarity and the contrast really sets it alight. I have tried many shots inside churches, cathedrals and the like but hav'nt come up with anything as interesting as yours. I had not thought to go to mono as my logic and ignorance tells me stained glass needs to show the colours but I guess converting to mono has isolated the chandelier making the image simpler and more impactful. Looks like time for me to revisit my cathedral shots.   Posted: 01/07/2025 22:32:55
Don York
Amazing amount of detail and very impressive workmanship are illustrated in your image.   Posted: 01/14/2025 16:04:53