Emil Davidzuk  

Cana Leaves by Emil Davidzuk

July 2024 - Cana Leaves

July 2024 - Emil Davidzuk


About the Image(s)

A great St Louis BW photographer, Jack Curran, had a category of images called Botanicals that I am paying tribute this month. Jack has passed away sadly but he influenced many of us here. It had just stopped raining so I decided to try my hand on the Cana leaves growing locally. I think it is a challenge to figure out to get a shot that has good BW potential since they grow in such a hap hazard manner. More shots needed for training.

Workflow: I rendered the image using NIK Silver Efex. I then went to LR Classic and decided to flip the image horizontally so the light spots around the subject big leaf balanced better. I used the adjustment brush to work the light and dark areas.

Camera: Olympus OM-1 Mk II, Leica 45mm Macro F2.8, 1/500 sec f2.8 -1/3EV ISO 200

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7 comments posted

Oliver Morton   Oliver Morton
Emil, I love it. I have a public greenhouse a couple of miles from my house and have taken many photographs of Cana leaves. As you mentioned, it can be challenging; however, the structure of the "veins" is wonderful. I played a bit with your original image to see how it would look with somewhat different lighting. Your thoughts?

  Posted: 07/01/2024 22:42:51
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Emil Davidzuk   Emil Davidzuk

Well done

The beauty of these plants is there are 9 ways to Sunday to render them. The hard part is getting a good starting point with your camera

Emil   Posted: 07/02/2024 16:46:55

Israel Yosef   Israel Yosef
Hi Emil,
Great photo, I added texture to the center petal and brightened it with the Luminar 4 filter.

In Photoshop I added a vignette around the center petal.

What do you think?
Israel   Posted: 07/07/2024 11:00:53
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Chris Reinhold   Chris Reinhold

Nice image. I do like the way you converted the image to monochrome. The only area where I could think of improving the image is with the making the center leaf more prominent. Like Pete, I tried a couple of techniques to highlight the center leaf a little more. Upload my version. Just of out of curiosity, I noticed you flipped your image. What was your thoughts around flipping the image?

Chris   Posted: 07/15/2024 23:55:18
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Mark Braun   Mark Braun

Loved Jack and really miss him. He really got me into monochrome after many years ignoring it. I told him that to me he was Adams on steroids..

Re your image, i love the composition but find the bright leaf in the top left a bit distracting. So I too played with it a bit. Use two radial masks in lightroom to darken and reduce the highlights of the offending leaf and brighten up the primary subject a bit.

Your thoughts?   Posted: 07/17/2024 16:14:02
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Mandy Vien
Emil, again, great use of mono.
Mark's suggestion further bring the focus to the texture of the middle leaf.
This group has given me many ideas for mono images. Thank you group.

  Posted: 07/17/2024 21:09:29

Adrian Schaub   Adrian Schaub

A very, very beautful photo: I love it.

There is not much I can add to the other comments apart from the fact, that I probably would go for a lower dynamic (as Emil and Israel did) because then the raindrops get more attention. But this is obviously a question of personal taste.

Thanks and best regards, Adrian   Posted: 07/24/2024 12:57:31