Mandy Vien  

Nursing Zebra by Mandy Vien

July 2024 - Nursing Zebra

July 2024 - Mandy Vien


About the Image(s)

Image was taken at Kenya Masai Mara National park at 11:00 AM. Chance to see migration crossing Masai river was not high that day, our driver drove around looking for lions.

We came across a large herd of zebras on the plains very close to the road. Zebras were standing close to each other, making it hard to isolate a few. On the other side of the road, there was a female zebra nursing her foal. They were not with the herd of zebras, instead, they are with the wildebeests.

Canon R5, 100-400mm
ISO 200, f/7.1, 1/1250 Sec @200mm

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7 comments posted

Oliver Morton   Oliver Morton
Such an amazing opportunity to take nature photographs... and you definitely took advantage of it. I'd love to take the trip you took. I'm very envious!

I played with your image a bit to see if I could further isolate the two zebras. Everything I did was done in Camera Raw. Your thoughts?

  Posted: 07/03/2024 00:36:59
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Emil Davidzuk   Emil Davidzuk

Great wildlife shot. It is all done

My thought is bring the background down, dodge it, just a bit. I put a liner gradient drawn from the top edge down to a bit below their hoofs, subtracted the zebras using a brush, then reduced the exposure. I selected subject to get the subject and reduced the exposure just a touch the whites were little hot in places. I decided to crop while I was working on your shot.


Emil   Posted: 07/04/2024 16:23:16
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Chris Reinhold   Chris Reinhold

I like the moment you capture between the mother and the fold. It really does tell a story. My thoughts around the image mirror Emil's and Pete's thoughts. When I first looked at the image my thought was how could the zebras stand out more from the background and become more the center of attention. Both Emil and Pete have provided good techniques to make that possible.
  Posted: 07/10/2024 00:25:10

Mark Braun   Mark Braun

I think all three of the versions yours, Pete's and Emil's do a good job of isolating the mother and colt (not sure if Zebra's have colts) which is what makes this great. Your use of depth of field isolated the pair and added depth that gives the viewer a sense of being there. Both Pete's and Emil's versions add to it but are a bit dark for my preference. The only nit, i have is the mothers snout looses detail and clear definition. But that's a small item, and overall its a great image.
  Posted: 07/17/2024 15:59:48

Mandy Vien
Thank you for all your comment and adjustments made to the image. I will do the same to my image. I like Emil's tighter crop which brings focus to the subject.   Posted: 07/17/2024 20:56:36

Adrian Schaub   Adrian Schaub
Dear Mandy

What a beautiful moment you caught - great shot.

If I wanted to improve something, then I would put a mask on the zebras in Lightroom, invert it and darken the background. I dont own an XPAN but love the panorama format and would use it here.
your thoughts?
Best, Adrian   Posted: 07/24/2024 12:45:10
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Mandy Vien

Thank you for your suggestion. The Panorama format keeps the environment and the harmony between the zebras and the wildebeests.   Posted: 07/30/2024 02:48:05