Oliver Morton  

The Other Side by Oliver Morton

July 2024 - The Other Side

July 2024 - Oliver Morton


About the Image(s)

This image was made in 2021 when I took some visiting relatives to see the Capitol building in Washington DC. Since the front of the Capitol had been photographed so frequently (by me and others), I decided to shoot the back side.

The intent of my editing was to add depth while emphasizing the dome and the flag. I converted to B&W using Silver Efex and then did much of the processing in Photoshop. I used the curves adjustment layers on selected portions of the image to add depth. Then I went into Camera Raw to do further modifications of the lighting.

Data: Canon R5; 24-105mm lens @ 47mm; 1/800 sec; f/9; ISO 100.

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8 comments posted

Emil Davidzuk   Emil Davidzuk

Your shot from the other side is spot on. I feel the whites are a little hot, see histogram, suggest reducing exposure on building by .25 of a stop.

Emil   Posted: 07/04/2024 16:43:28
Oliver Morton   Oliver Morton
Thank you, Emil. I intentionally lightened the dome and may have gotten a bit carried away. I thought it was important to show the statue on top of the dome and increase its exposure. After doing that, it seemed a bit artificial until I also brightened the dome.

  Posted: 07/17/2024 17:16:50

Mark Braun   Mark Braun
Pete, I love it. You definitely got the depth right. As a result you portray the building with the dignity it deserves.   Posted: 07/17/2024 15:54:02
Oliver Morton   Oliver Morton
Thank you, Mark. It's an amazing building. I recall MANY years ago when I could simply walk in on a solo tour. Those days are, unfortunately, long gone.

  Posted: 07/17/2024 17:18:15

Mandy Vien
Pete, another great capture and conversion. Mono brings out the beauty of the architecture.   Posted: 07/17/2024 21:02:34

Chris Reinhold   Chris Reinhold

I think you did a great job in converting this image to monochrome. I like how the Capitol stands out on the dark sky. One suggestion I have is to crop a little more on the left side. To me the trees on the left side are distracting me from the Capitol. See what you think of my crop. Other than this a great image.   Posted: 07/18/2024 01:04:55
Comment Image

Israel Yosef   Israel Yosef
Hi Pete,

I really like this.
Another great shot from you.
I agree with Chris about cropping the trees on the left, but I would leave the front part, it adds depth to the photo.
I would also darken the Capitol dome a little.

All the best to you and your family.
Best regards,
Israel   Posted: 07/18/2024 10:33:26

Adrian Schaub   Adrian Schaub
Hi Pete

Great homage to a beautiful building. Personally I like the too strong whites on the dome which give it an almost supernational look.

Great shot of a well-known building!

Best regards, Adrian   Posted: 07/24/2024 12:33:45