Israel Yosef  

Jaffo 2018 - Moti Nataf by Israel Yosef

July 2024 - Jaffo 2018 - Moti Nataf

July 2024 - Israel Yosef


About the Image(s)

I took this shot in 2018 in Old Jaffa, Israel. It was evening, I was wandering around the port and looking for someone to take a portrait for my assignment that I received on a street photography course. I came across the studio of the famous Israeli multidisciplinary artist - Moti Nataf. I am attaching a link to the video:


Additional information can be found on Google. Unfortunately, Moti closed his studio, it is not easy for artists to survive today.

What do you think?

I shoot in RAW format and process with Lightroom: basic adjustment, detail, texture, etc. I used a Filter Topaz: Face recovery, Denoise. Then I converted to B/W with filter Nick Collection - Silver Efex Pro 3.

Camera settings:Canon EOS 6D. ISO 800 50mm f/2.2 1/160 sec, Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM.

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11 comments posted

Chris Reinhold   Chris Reinhold

I do like this image. Capturing an artist in their workshop allows you to see more than their work or them. The type of the tools in this image and how the workshop is organized allows you tells a story about this person. For example, he must really care about the organization of his tools as you can see that he has painted outlines of his tools. This really captures the personality of this person. Very nice capture and I like these types of images.

In looking at this image, I felt the image was too flat in contrast and the crop of the image did not focus on the person. I created my own version with more contrast and a different crop to show you my thoughts.

Thanks for sharing this image.   Posted: 07/04/2024 00:31:19
Comment Image
Israel Yosef   Israel Yosef
Hi Chris,
I like your version, both the cropping and the contrast.
Thank you for your comment.

Israel   Posted: 07/07/2024 10:17:00

Chris Reinhold   Chris Reinhold

I do like this image. Capturing an artist in their workshop allows you to see more than their work or them. The type of the tools in this image and how the workshop is organized allows you tells a story about this person. For example, he must really care about the organization of his tools as you can see that he has painted outlines of his tools. This really captures the personality of this person. Very nice capture and I like these types of images.

In looking at this image, I felt the image was too flat in contrast and the crop of the image did not focus on the person. I created my own version with more contrast and a different crop to show you my thoughts.

Thanks for sharing this image.   Posted: 07/04/2024 01:21:45
Comment Image

Emil Davidzuk   Emil Davidzuk

Your composition is spot on.

My critique is that Moti, your subject, needs to stand out. I did there exposure mods in LR and then a crop. I used the LR adjustment brush on his skin and increased exposure, I added a Linear gradient to the background pulling it down from the upper left corner, I subtracted Moti's body using a brush from the gradient and reduced the exposure to darken the background, I added another linear gradient pulling it up from the lower right corner and increased the exposure. I then cropped the bottom and right side of frame so your subject is more pronounced


  Posted: 07/04/2024 15:54:35
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Israel Yosef   Israel Yosef
Hi Emil,

I really like your version.
Thank you for your comment and detailed editing instructions, it enriches me as a photographer.

Best regards,
Israel   Posted: 07/07/2024 10:23:16

Oliver Morton   Oliver Morton
Israel, your environmental portraits are consistently excellent... and this is another one. The man's face, arms, hands, and the fish are the subject in my opinion. I love the tools behind the man since they add context and tell a great deal about the scene. Well done!!

Naturally, I wanted to play a bit with your image. My intent was to emphasize the man and his activity further. To do this, I cropped some of the upper and lower portions of the photograph and modified the lighting. Your thoughts?

  Posted: 07/17/2024 17:09:20
Comment Image
Israel Yosef   Israel Yosef
Hi Pete,

I like it very much.
Your ideas are always interesting and instructive.
Thank you for your comment.
All the best to you and your family.

Israel   Posted: 07/18/2024 10:26:30

Mark Braun   Mark Braun

You've done a marvelous job, again, of directing me to look directly at your subjects face and toning down the surroundings so they aren't distracting but still add great context to the image.

Mark   Posted: 07/18/2024 12:36:43
Israel Yosef   Israel Yosef
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your comment,
All the best.

  Posted: 07/24/2024 14:09:17

Adrian Schaub   Adrian Schaub
Hi Israel

Another brilliant portrait. Apart from echoing what the others said, I in particular liked the choice of depth of field. The background is well recognizable but not distracting from the main subject.

Very well done. All the best and take care, Adrian   Posted: 07/24/2024 13:20:09
Israel Yosef   Israel Yosef
Hi Adrian,

I am grateful to you for your comment,
I really appreciate your opinion.
All the best.
Israel   Posted: 07/24/2024 14:11:43