Michael Laezza
About the Image(s)
BACKGROUND: The location is a popular tourist attraction in Sicily called the " Turkish Stairs ". It is a sedimentary limestone formation. Because it is popular, it is difficult to photograph it without tourists present, but with the erase tool, it was quite easy to de-people it. The white color reminded me of an iceberg and I wanted to create the effect of someone being stranded on the iceberg.
Technical: Eos Rebel 6S, F8, 1/1000, Iso 100. Used LR and PS to edit.
3 comments posted
Your post processing achieved the end state you were after. My eye goes right the lone survivor...
Well done
Emil   Posted: 02/10/2025 18:52:05
Your post processing achieved the end state you were after. My eye goes right the lone survivor...
Well done
Emil   Posted: 02/10/2025 18:52:05
Michael, you successfully turned a snapshot into a fascinating photograph. Did you erase the "extraneous" people individually or use the relatively new Find Distractions tool?
Nice work!
  Posted: 02/12/2025 15:00:29
Nice work!
  Posted: 02/12/2025 15:00:29
A gorgeous picture and a perfect example of smart use of modern technology for the benefit of the viewer. Brilliant!   Posted: 02/22/2025 12:22:00