Technical - Fujifilm Fine pix X100; F11, 1/1600, ISO 200 , Jpeg
Background: White cloud over the Berlin Wall. I remember when taking the picture thinking that people once stood on the same spot and looked up at the sky wondering what life was on the other side. I am always fascinated by lone clouds in the sky and often take pictures of them. I remembered this picture during the recent Cole P. Thompson presentation. His presentation was excellent and I picked up quite a few tips. He talked about his lone cloud series called " Harbinger " which kind of summarized my own appreciation of lone clouds. My first versions in B&W were straightforward, but he applied certain effects which I found interesting. So I re-edited and obtained this effect using the Midnight filter on Nik software.
6 comments posted
Emil Davidzuk
We share two things in common. I like to photograph single clouds and I am a big fan of Cole. I have one of his BWs on my wall.
You might create another version and paint out the "3" clouds below the main cloud so it is a lone cloud shot
  Posted: 12/03/2024 20:19:03
Michael Laezza
Emil - thank you for the suggestion. Less cloud but more impact.   Posted: 12/05/2024 01:20:39
Oliver Morton
Mike, you and Emil have got me looking for single clouds to photograph! What a wonderful subject! I really like the composition of your "single cloud" version. And, your handling of the tones is outstanding!
  Posted: 12/09/2024 18:32:35
Mandy Vien
Michael, very interesting simple composition. Black and White fits very well in this scheme. I am going to lookup this style of photography and Cole to learn the simplicity of single cloud composition.   Posted: 12/10/2024 07:16:42
Adrian Schaub
Michael, apart from the mere beauty of the picture I in particular like your link to the history of the German Wall. Very well done!   Posted: 12/17/2024 08:44:26
Chris Reinhold
Your story behind the cloud really brings this image to life for me. Helps me appreciate the background in your creation of this image. Very nice image.   Posted: 12/21/2024 14:31:49