Lori Azevedo  

Travel Yosemite by Lori Azevedo

February 2025 - Travel Yosemite

About the Image(s)

I live 2 hours from Yosemite. You will find me there often. I love it there with the natural beauty and to people watch; many from other countries.

My goal in this photo was to capture the upper and lower Yosemite falls. But you know how people always get in the way. Well after reviewing this photo on my computer I realized how well the couple at the bottom anchor and photo with their selfie.

I completed the post processing in Photoshop. I added highlighting to the trees, walkway and people. I narrowed in my cropping to remove the sky at the top of the falls. I also deepened the tone of the rock to bring out more color.

Using photoshop I reduced the image size to fit the PSA parameters by selecting image > image size > then reduced the width to 500 pixels x 417 pixels.

7 comments posted

Sandra Michaelis
Hi Lori, a well known scene from Yosemite. We been there a few times, it's spectecular. I would have liked to see the version with the sky. It feels like the falls are chopped off. However, if the couple is your subject, and my eye is drawn to them, then the sky becomes less important. I also played around with your picture in LR. Using a linear and radial gradient mask. I used the color range tool to lighten some of the very dark greens. Finally, I lightened the saturation making the couple look less orange. An interesting photo with lots of editing options including you own.   Posted: 02/02/2025 23:04:01
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Pauline Jaffe   Pauline Jaffe
This is a lovely image. I love how the rock with the falls start out wide at the top and narrow out like the shape of a wine glass. There are many noticable vertical lines in this image--the falls, the trees, the people, and the walkway.
I also like the way the couple taking the selfie in for foreground balances out the falls. The couple could use some toning adjustment though.
Nice image.
  Posted: 02/12/2025 18:42:23

Carol Heffernan   Carol Heffernan
Lori, Thanks for the extra 'lesson' in reducing images in PS - I will write it down and hope to remember it.
I really like the couple doing the selfie. I agree that they anchor the image and make it more interesting, but are a bit orange. Of course we all want the 'perfect image' without people, but this really shows what it's like (could be an ad for tourism?) and you positioned yourself in a great spot for the shot. I like the smooth waterfall drawing your eye up through the image and don't miss the sky, as it probably would distract.   Posted: 02/15/2025 23:38:25

Lori Azevedo   Lori Azevedo
Here is the image with the sky in. I suppose sky in or sky out is merely subjective.   Posted: 02/16/2025 16:28:43
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Alec Chester   Alec Chester
Lori, As has been said, you're very lucky to live near Yosemite. I love that place and have stayed at their very photogenic lodge. This image is so nicely done with the couple anchoring the shot. I tried it in black and white which was kind of interesting, but no real improvement. Both the different edits offer a slightly darker version, but I prefer yours.   Posted: 02/19/2025 12:36:55

Rick Taft   Rick Taft
Lori, Very nice shot. I'm a sucker for a good waterfall shot, so you got me! Looking at your posted edit, I initially thought, along with a couple of others, that it might be better if we could see the top of the falls and a bit of the sky. However, seeing the uncropped version you posted I think I prefer your original edit because your crop makes the people bigger and a more visually interesting part of the shot. I agree with everyone that the couple taking the selfie is a great anchor point, and in your uncropped shot they are less visually prominent. Also, while your uncropped shot does show the top of the falls and a bit of an interesting sky, it also lines up the water at the top of the falls with the cloud so it looks like it is coming right out of the cloud. If there was a bit of blue sky between the top of the falls and the cloud it might have been a strong element, but as you posted them I like your cropped version. Finally, color balance and lumnosity. I think your edits are excellent. I like a shot like this that is not too bright, but rather has degrees of contrasting luminosity throughout. It adds to the mood. You also have a nice level of color saturation. The challenge with a crop like this is keeping everything sharp...everything from the waterfall to the couple in front. The couple looked a tiny bit pixelated to me (no doubt brought out a bit by cropping) while the waterfall in the background is very sharp...I'm guessing your focal point might have been a bit behind them. But that is a picky observation and this is a very nice shot.   Posted: 02/19/2025 17:23:52
Lori Azevedo   Lori Azevedo
Thank you Rick for your comments. Art is so subjective.
I try and retain all comments for future submissions. Your constructive critique makes us all better photographers.
  Posted: 02/19/2025 20:38:25


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