Maria Mazo, PPSA  

The Moon hunters by Maria Mazo, PPSA

July 2024 - The Moon hunters

July 2024 - Maria Mazo, PPSA


July 2024 - Maria Mazo, PPSA

Original 2

July 2024 - Maria Mazo, PPSA

Original 3

About the Image(s)

I started with the image of the children and I replaced the sky with the moonlit one. Then, I added the crane and the moon in the butterfly net.
After that, I create the illusion of the nighttime adding a blue filter and the light from the moon. I adjusted the light and shadows to create more deep. Finally, I open it in camera Raw and applied another filter to achieve the look that I wanted.

This round’s discussion is now closed!
11 comments posted

Kirsti Näntö-Salonen   Kirsti Näntö-Salonen
Hi Maria! If Alan's night scene is full of drama, yours is gentle and playful. I love the way the captured moon illuminates the little hunters, and their postures mediate their wonder and delight. The finger pointing at their catch is precious. The moonlight on the waves is absolutely lovely, too.. I think that the crane contributes a lot to the sense of depth of the image, forms part of a frame for the action, and ties the moon in the sky in the composition beautifully, , but I feel that the hook may be rather prominent against the lighter sky in the center of the image?   Posted: 07/04/2024 19:28:58
Maria Mazo   Maria Mazo
Hi Kirsti, thanks for your comment and suggestion. I can see what you said about the hook, and I agree with you.

  Posted: 07/13/2024 08:01:41
Maria Mazo   Maria Mazo
Hi Bruce,
Thanks for your comment, it makes me feel that I am in the right direction but still a lot of learn.
I agree with you and Kirsti that the hook looks too prominent between the children. I come back to editing and I reduce the size. what do you think about it now?   Posted: 07/13/2024 08:33:46
Comment Image
Kirsti Näntö-Salonen   Kirsti Näntö-Salonen
Hi Maria, I think that it is just perfect now! The hook disappears in the background so that one almost has to look twice to detect it, and the crane remains intact. I can see there this flow that Bruce describes now.   Posted: 07/15/2024 04:54:24

Bruce Harley   Bruce Harley
Hi Maria, Instant recognition what the photo is all about. The Title is perfect, and the lead-in to the subjects confirms what its all about. Great.
The only thing I would change is the same as what Kirsti picked up on, the hook. It doesnt add to the story, and blocks the readers view through to the moon at the top. I would loose it altogether and allow the flow from title through the subjects and into the background.
The execution and concept of this composite is excellent.   Posted: 07/11/2024 09:42:47

Alan Kaplan   Alan Kaplan
I agree with the above, but given my entry this month, I would use the crane to capture the moon and place it between the children. The moon is hard to see in my version, but it's no longer in the sky. You could size it to you own tastes and even give it a slight yellow glow. Your image has a lot of surrealistic potential.   Posted: 07/15/2024 12:59:21
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Maria Mazo   Maria Mazo
Hi Alan, thank you for your comment and suggestion. Initially, I was contemplating the idea of holding the moom with the crane as you suggest, but I found that the moon in the sky adds to the story. The children are really only hunting the illusion of the moon   Posted: 07/22/2024 08:16:15

Peggy Nugent   Peggy Nugent
This is a lovely image, Maria. I love the blue night filter you applied. I think your choice of where to place the light in the midst of all the darkness really tells this story that they have indeed caught the moon, or perhaps its essence.
I really like the way the children's faces are obscured, with gives me a feeling that they may be otherworldly - fairies, perhaps?

I think your updated version really works well.

I don't have any suggestions for change. Well done!   Posted: 07/17/2024 21:09:16
Maria Mazo   Maria Mazo
Hi Peggy, thank you for your nice comment. I really appreciate it.   Posted: 07/22/2024 08:18:52

Brad Becker   Brad Becker
Maria, I'm a little late to the party. What a wonderfully magical image. I immediately had a reaction to the hook. The revised version is perfect.   Posted: 07/20/2024 00:57:47
Maria Mazo   Maria Mazo
Hi Brad, thank you for your comment. I am happy that you consider the image as a perfect.   Posted: 07/22/2024 08:19:45