Pamela Hoaglund  

Bald Eagle by Pamela Hoaglund

July 2024 - Bald Eagle

July 2024 - Pamela Hoaglund


About the Image(s)

Taken with my Sony A7RM5, Tamron 50-400mm lens, ISO 1000, 1/2000sec at f/6.3 with +.7 compensation. Because of the blank sky I decided to convert to b&w using a LUT in ON1 2024. Added dynamic contrast at 50% to the eagle. Used ON1 DeNoise and Topaz Sharpening. I think there might be a bit of fringing on the right side of the head and maybe the body. Not sure how to remedy it.
Sorry, I'm still pretty much pecking with one finger. Fracture stabilized with plate and screws and now I'm in a removable splint for four weeks.

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8 comments posted

Mike Cohen   Mike Cohen
Nice shot and I like your crop. I might have used the leaves around and above the eagle to give it a frame but am guessing I'd like your treatment better. It does look a bit flat to my eye. I played with the whites and contrast to punch it up a bit. Nice work!   Posted: 07/10/2024 19:42:29
Comment Image
Pamela Hoaglund   Pamela Hoaglund
Thanks Mike. I seem to struggle with the right amount of contrast in monochrome images.   Posted: 07/17/2024 02:52:18

Judith Lesnaw   Judith Lesnaw
The intense stare and expression of this Eagle hold my attention. I like the perspective. The bird seems to flow into up and into the background, and then my eyes meet those eyes. The image works well in B&W. May you heal well and fast!
  Posted: 07/11/2024 14:21:25

Ann Brixey   Ann Brixey
I really am a great admirer of B&W done well as this is. The stark sky pulls they eye to the Bird's stare, here is the drama, what have they focused on? The bird is crisp, sharp, and the image well composed. the image is powerful, striking, and to the prey there is danger. For me it is the entire story. Well done I would change nothing.
Iechyd da

Ann   Posted: 07/11/2024 16:40:25

Polly Krauter   Polly Krauter
Bald eagles are great subjects. I like this image in B&W, very dramatic and moody. You might consider allowing more space around the bird. To my eye, it looks tightly cropped. This is a very nice image.   Posted: 07/15/2024 23:28:09

Ally Green   Ally Green
Great capture of the bald eagle and its pose is dramatic and powerful. I like the detail in the feathers. I might have left a few leaves on the left hand side and give more room above the head. Lovely shot though.   Posted: 07/16/2024 15:50:41

Sharon Prislipsky   Sharon Prislipsky
Nice shot. You certainly captured the eagle in a good location - much better than a bird on a bare branch. It still looks a bit noisy to me - especially on the feathers. I attended a webinar last weekend in which the presenter said he ran some of his bird images through Topaz DeNoise AI twice then through AI Sharpen twice. His stuff looked pretty noise free and sharp, at least on the digital screen. I have not tried tht myself.
I like white skies...I know some don't, but I find them very artistic. I think you have done well with your post processing. The only way I know to renover fringing is with careful cloning is PS.   Posted: 07/16/2024 16:36:11
Pamela Hoaglund   Pamela Hoaglund
Thanks Sharon. I have at times used the NoNoise in ON1 and then again in Topaz DeNoise.   Posted: 07/17/2024 02:55:01