Group 52 Bulletin Board
6 threads - 21 total comments
This page is dedicated to discussions about our theme (Nature Plus) that are outside the scope of our monthly images.
Thread Title: Focus Stacking
It is wildlfower season - at least where I live. During the bad weather months I attempted to practice focus stacking indoors to improve my skill. So now I have some questions for the group: 1.) do you focus stack macro images?; 2.) if so, do you do it manually or do you use something like Helicon focus?; 3.) if you do it manually, what is the max number of images you are able to successfully stack?; 4.) have you been able to completely emliminate ghosting? If yes, can you give us some tips?   Posted: 03/31/2023 17:55:56
I have not tried focus stacking YET. On Monday my camera club will host a talk on focus stacking that will include in camera as well as with Helicon and other software. I will share the information.   Posted: 03/31/2023 18:48:09
Thanks, Judith. I will look forward to whatever you can share.   Posted: 03/31/2023 19:26:27
I recently purchased the Sony RV which is the first Sony camera with focus bracketing. I have not tried bracketing/stacking yet but I’m anxious to try it out. ON1 RAW 2023 has focus stacking in the program but I’m not sure how many images it will stack. I’m really not a macro shooter but when we get more flowers blooming here in the PNW I would like to try it.   Posted: 03/31/2023 20:02:37
I recently purchased the Sony RV which is the first Sony camera with focus bracketing. I have not tried bracketing/stacking yet but I’m anxious to try it out. ON1 RAW 2023 has focus stacking in the program but I’m not sure how many images it will stack. I’m really not a macro shooter but when we get more flowers blooming here in the PNW I would like to try it.   Posted: 04/07/2023 15:58:22
Thread Title: Nature & Guidelines
I agree with Pamela's sentiments. I do enter Nature competitions and am guided by their requirements but since i do as little in post anyway most of the time my images adhere to their conditions.   Posted: 01/31/2023 21:27:27
Thread Title: Nature+ Guidlines
Since most of you have reponded to my email I know that we are in agreement that we do not wish to adhere to the PSA Nature Division definition. Howeer, I would like us to have a discussion about what we want to do in our group.
First, I am wondering if anyone other than me sometimes enters local camera club or PSA competitons for which the Nature Definition is in place. Personally, I
would like to have the group feedback on that kind of image from time to time, so it woudl be helpful if everyone knew the definition or had access to it.
Secondly, I am wondering if we want to place any limits on the types of manipulation that we allow. AI is rapidly developing and it is possible to make our images look "other- worldly." How far do we want to push the post-processing?
Finally, what about domestic animals and cultivars? Do we want to allow creatures such as feral horses or llamas for example? What about ordenary garden-variety plants such as petunias or tulips? Personally I have no opinon on this last point, but would like to to know how the rest of you feel.   Posted: 01/30/2023 21:11:26
First, I am wondering if anyone other than me sometimes enters local camera club or PSA competitons for which the Nature Definition is in place. Personally, I
would like to have the group feedback on that kind of image from time to time, so it woudl be helpful if everyone knew the definition or had access to it.
Secondly, I am wondering if we want to place any limits on the types of manipulation that we allow. AI is rapidly developing and it is possible to make our images look "other- worldly." How far do we want to push the post-processing?
Finally, what about domestic animals and cultivars? Do we want to allow creatures such as feral horses or llamas for example? What about ordenary garden-variety plants such as petunias or tulips? Personally I have no opinon on this last point, but would like to to know how the rest of you feel.   Posted: 01/30/2023 21:11:26
I'm fine not adhering to the strict definition: in fact I'm starting to think PSA needs a new second nature category for images that show human impact/influence. I'm thinking specifically of showing effects of climate change as well as adaptions and animals (and even plants) that live in urban environments or coexist with humans. Also I don't enter competitions as I barely have time for the two groups in which I take part. ;)
As for post-work, for strict-nature I don't think it should be considered a detraction unless it's super obvious. For abstract or images that are going to be used for things other than competition events (thinking of the greeting card images a while back) I've found the discussions here fun and full of ideas. As for feral animals and livestock: in my head it sort of depends. Livestock isn't wild, but feral animals such as a hen or boar on an island, a lion fish in the eastern oceans or a python in the everglades are. Documenting stories of that sort dovetails into my wish that PSA had a sort of Hand of Man in Nature classification.   Posted: 01/30/2023 22:55:30
As for post-work, for strict-nature I don't think it should be considered a detraction unless it's super obvious. For abstract or images that are going to be used for things other than competition events (thinking of the greeting card images a while back) I've found the discussions here fun and full of ideas. As for feral animals and livestock: in my head it sort of depends. Livestock isn't wild, but feral animals such as a hen or boar on an island, a lion fish in the eastern oceans or a python in the everglades are. Documenting stories of that sort dovetails into my wish that PSA had a sort of Hand of Man in Nature classification.   Posted: 01/30/2023 22:55:30
First, I do not enter images in any competitions PSA or local clubs/organizations. However, if I knew someone in the group submitted an image and was considering it for competition in a PSA Nature division I would adhere to the nature guidelines in my comments.
Second, I feel we should keep our post processing to the basics such as dust removal, adjusting the RAW image to bring it back to what you saw, removing minor distractions, etc. I would be against adding things to the image or making it look other worldly.
Third, I don't think I would be opposed to domestic animals or cultivators as long as they are in a nature environment. I don't think a horse in a stall would be appropriate for nature or a cultivator image in a pot sitting on a window sill or similar situations/environments that take away from the "nature" of the group.   Posted: 01/31/2023 19:41:11
Second, I feel we should keep our post processing to the basics such as dust removal, adjusting the RAW image to bring it back to what you saw, removing minor distractions, etc. I would be against adding things to the image or making it look other worldly.
Third, I don't think I would be opposed to domestic animals or cultivators as long as they are in a nature environment. I don't think a horse in a stall would be appropriate for nature or a cultivator image in a pot sitting on a window sill or similar situations/environments that take away from the "nature" of the group.   Posted: 01/31/2023 19:41:11
Thread Title: Infrared images in Nature +
I posed this question to Sharon. I take infrared images in the black and white tone. I know there are already DD groups for Infrared and monochrome but instead of having to join another group I feel these types of images could also be appropriate in the Nature + group. The image I submitted for March of a snow scene was also taken in infrared and to me conveys more emotion and detail than the color version. I’m interested in what others in the group think.   Posted: 03/05/2022 18:32:15
Your IR snow scene is beautiful and conveys a strong feeling of being out in nature. I believe that IR, B&W, and color all belong in our Nature + group.   Posted: 03/05/2022 23:46:36
I would like to see the infared for your image this month. I have no objection.   Posted: 03/06/2022 00:35:13
I like this version, and I like how you have pulled texture from the foreground. There is good contrast in the sky.   Posted: 03/07/2022 13:09:06
Thread Title: Nature Abstract
To me nature abstract is an image that presents a natural subject in such a way that it is not necessarily recognizable or is only partially recognizable. It could be shown from a distorted perspective, it could be a small part of a familiar subject, or it could be intentionally blurred.   Posted: 01/19/2022 02:52:39
Sharon, thank you for crystalizing the essence of abstract nature photography! I recently came across a quote by Yasuhiro Wakabayashi, the photographer known as Hiro, that is consistent with your view: "If you look into the camera and you see something you recognize, don't click the shutter." I seem to be doing quite a lot of this now.
  Posted: 01/19/2022 20:07:06
  Posted: 01/19/2022 20:07:06
Ally referred us to a wonderful article:
  Posted: 01/25/2022 20:36:21
  Posted: 01/25/2022 20:36:21
Thread Title: Editing Eyes in Wildlife Photos
I happen to be a fan of Matt Kloskowski. He has made a ton of videos featuring tips and tricks for editing images using Photoshop and Lightroom. Today I received a notice about a new video he just posted. It was a tip on something I have been doing for years regarding how to edit eyes in wildlife photos. I'm attaching the link for this video here. The first 4 minutes and the most important but I suggest watching the entire video.
Regards Larry   Posted: 09/03/2020 17:24:13
Regards Larry   Posted: 09/03/2020 17:24:13
Thanks for the heads up Larry. I like Matt and his teaching style a lot. Mike   Posted: 09/03/2020 17:42:22
Helpful, Larry. Thank you for this.   Posted: 01/19/2022 14:20:16