Tom Buckard
About the Image(s)
Image was taken next to a pier in Rockport, Massachusetts. These kayaks were rentals and I just thought the color combination was unusual. The tides kept them changing their design continuously.
Shot with a Nikon D300S, exposure at 1/40th of a second, F10, focal length 18 mm, Nikkor 18-200 lens and ISO 200.
6 comments posted
Bev, I like the vibrance but I am afraid it took away the sharpness of the kayaks and lines on their decks.   Posted: 02/07/2025 00:12:33
Many colors of the kayaks as well as many angles bring this image to life. I like the progession of small to large kayaks. The perspective of the image is interesting. Very good!
  Posted: 02/14/2025 17:23:46
  Posted: 02/14/2025 17:23:46
Richard, thank you for your comments. One thing I don't like about my own image is that I had to cut off the yellow kayak on the right. I did feel the image needed the bright yellow as a starting or ending point though.   Posted: 02/14/2025 21:42:53
Fantastic image. Colors are amazing. The geometry of the curve is nice and relaxing. For me, my eyes are pulled to the left of the image to the small kayak on the end; like to the peak of a mountain. Didn't even notice that the tip of the right kayak was missing. Well done you.   Posted: 02/15/2025 00:32:36
Stewart, thank you for your comments. Never thought of the geometry of the curve but you are exactly right.   Posted: 02/22/2025 01:11:45