Bev Caine
About the Image(s)
As I've mentioned before because of Stu's physical limitations, I don't get out too much any more so I'm limiited to "cheating" shooting off the TV screen. This is one of my latest attempts as the parade brings back wonderful memories of my youth as my father used to bring us to his friends' offices overlooking Broadway and 7th Avenue to watch the Parade and then be taken out to lunch.
I shot this with my Canon T2I and Tamron zoom. Eliminated the surrounding obstacles and here you have the result.
10 comments posted
Tom Buckard
Bev, please don't get upset with me but I know you are a long time world traveler and I would think you would have tens of thousands of images to pull from. That being said this balloon off the tv is very good. I did fix the top left corner, straighten the building and remove the tie down lines but all in all the clown pops.   Posted: 01/03/2025 16:03:01
Bev Caine
You're right, I do. But I've been having a bit of fun with this. The upside is that I know I'm not using something I've used before, but I will make an effort to get back on track. And I am never upset with valid commentary. Thanks.   Posted: 01/03/2025 17:27:25
Tom Buckard
Thanks Bev, I would never want to upset someone that does so much for the Digital Dialog Group.   Posted: 01/03/2025 17:47:16
Bev Caine
You actually made me work... Just updated a few images for future months.   Posted: 01/03/2025 19:30:55
Donald Darling Jr
Bev, this is outstanding. You've got a great TV to capture that image. Very nice and I like your sharing that childhood memory. Such a valuable thing to relive. Thanks for sharing!!!   Posted: 01/07/2025 19:25:49
Bev Caine
thank you. TV's a 60" samsung nothing unusual good lens & camera   Posted: 01/07/2025 20:58:59
Jamie Federick
I think you do good by photographing off the TV. I do like Tom's corrections and deletions. Did you do a content add on Photoshop?   Posted: 01/11/2025 21:05:25
Bev Caine
not sure you mean by content add   Posted: 01/11/2025 21:07:36
Lou McLove
(Groups 85 & 92)
(Groups 85 & 92)
Hi Bev, interesting image, I thought that you were actually there. I prefer the original composition with the angled buildings, I think it makes the image feel more dynamic.   Posted: 01/18/2025 17:27:41
Bev Caine
As I may have said in the past, as a result of my husband's contilnuous falls, I'm very limted in getting out so I've been using the alternative as a learning experience in shooting and editing.   Posted: 01/18/2025 18:24:03