Member Bios

Keith Parris

Keith Parris

Member of Captain William Barron Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution
Member of Captain James P. Douglas Camp, Sons of Confederate Veterans
Film Photographer and Certified Digital Photographer
East Texas Camera Club
Heard Nature Photographers
Hunt County Shutterbugs
Rowlett, Texas Photography Club
Royal Photographic Society
Amateur Radio Operator -- WB5RBA
Woodworker: Small Projects
LinkedIn profile:
The Online Technical Writing Net
Twitter: @RKeithParris
Electronics Engineering Technologist - Retired
Technical Writer: Electronics and Telecommunications Industries - Retired
Local Hardware Store Sales Advisor / Consultant - Retired

Sharlana Dillard

Sharlana Dillard

Sharlana Dillard –I served in the U.S. Army for a number or years both active and reserve. One of my major goals and achievements in life was the ability to raise my three daughters before they each started school. I was given my first camera a Pentax SpotMatic F when I graduated from college and I didn’t know the first thing about operating a camera much less how aperture, shutter speed, or ISO all played a part when shooting a picture. By pure luck, my first picture was of a horse running across a field. The picture turned out with the horse is full stride and totally clear. I have loved photography ever since. I moved on to the Nikon family with a D80, D610 and z8. Although I have been photographing for over 40 years, I still consider myself a beginner. I have recently become very serious about this form of art to learn as much as I can about photography and all the software editing programs. My interest is in nature, wildlife, old deserted buildings and just stuff that is out of the ordinary. There is so much beauty and even devastation in our world I’d like a chance to capture it.

Susan Lurie

I noodled around with a camera in high school and college but never got past basic skills. Around 2016 or so, I decided I wanted to capture the beauty and serendipity that the world around us reveals through photography. I shoot with a Canon R6 Mark II. My interest is primarily landscapes; however, I'm interested in other types of photography such as abstracts, minimalism and monochrome and would like to learn about other forms, as well.

Michael Braunstein

Michael Braunstein

I bought my first camera before a trip to Europe in 1972 as an exchange student. The camera cost $2. I was surprised at the quality of the photos and moved on to a Minolta SLR shortly after that. I continued to travel frequently taking many photos but with little knowledge of how to adjust F stops or shutter speed to get the effect I wanted. In 1995, during a scuba trip to the Solomon Islands I rented a Nikonos 5 and started my hobby as an underwater photographer. Automatic functions did not work well underwater so I had to get better educated as to how to take photos. I believe this has greatly helped my photography. Now I am interested in expanding my photography above water as well.

Charles Bartolotta

Charles Bartolotta

Photography Biography for Charles Bartolotta
<br />I've been a member of the Science Museum Camera Club for almost 50 years, and I
<br />had a successful part-time wedding, portrait, and commercial photography business for
<br />40 years. I have been competing and judging local club competitions for many years.
<br />I learned lighting from many local and nationally known professional photographers.
<br />I currently use Nikon digital cameras and most of the more popular photo editing
<br />software. I enjoy landscape photography, studio still life, and action photography. I have
<br />a preference for black and white photography.

Group Admin

Stuart Caine

Stuart Caine

I started in photography while in High School (1948). My first 35mm camera was an Argus C3. I retired in 2002 and moved from Long Island, New York to Boynton Beach Florida. While on Long Island I was a member of the Long Island Color Print Club, and was President for two years. This was a unique photography club, we did prints and slides. You had to develop negatives or positives and print the negatives and mount the slides. We had judges who evaluated our pictures or slides for what they were. Being a unique club, we were written up in Popular Photography. Over the years, I also used a 2" X 2" camera as well as a 2" X 3" camera, doing both slides and photos. I used a B-23 enlarger with a color head in the old days, but now do digital only with my computer and Photoshop CS5

My career was spent as an Electronic Engineer in sales as Vice President for a few Consumer Electronic Manufactures. Then in 1986 my wife and I purchased a travel Agency on Long Island. We were both very active in the industry and it gave us a chance to visit the world. We both still like to travel and do photography.

Tom Lee

Tom Lee

I learned photography in high school, and it quickly became my passion. While raising our kids, I didn't have much time to dedicate to photography, and as a result, I traded in my SLR camera for point-and-shoots to capture their activities and family events. However, as the children grew up and left home, I found myself with more time and rekindled my interest in photography. I purchased an M-4/3 digital camera and started relearning and honing my photography skills. Today, after several upgrades, my main camera is still an M-4/3 camera, accompanied by a collection of lenses ranging from 12 to 400 mm (24-800 mm f.f.e).