Welcome to the Digital Dialogue Group #42

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Subject - General Photography: Images of any subject matter originating from a film or digital device.

Group Administrator: Stuart Caine - scaine34@gmail.com

Click here to view/download the General Guidelines for Participation.

Analyzing images should take into account the following elements of a photograph.

Creativity and Originality
Noise and/or Grain
Composition, line, eye movement
Focus, depth of field
Tonal range
Color, if any
Image balance: � Do the elements within the frame feel comfortable

The images displayed on this website were created by members of the Photographic Society of America’s (PSA) Digital Dialogue Group #42.   The creators of these images explain how they arrived at the final results by manipulating their photographs in a digital imaging program such as Photoshop.   The images are presented for Group members to study and critique by offering constructive comments on the artistic merit, technical strengths and weaknesses of each image.   In some cases, group members will post a rework of the image to demonstrate their suggestions.

Enjoy your visit to Group #42 and be sure to check back each month for a new set of images.   For best viewing, your monitor should be set to a minimum resolution of 1024 x 768.

All images are the copyright of the individual photographers and none should be copied or used in any form, whatsoever, without the expressed written permission of the photographer.

For further information about the Digital Dialogue Groups, Click here or contact the Director, Barbara Miller, directly at bembrit@bellsouth.net.

Click here to visit the other Digital Dialogue Groups