Vincent Cochain, EPSA  

Dancer by Vincent Cochain, EPSA

July 2024 - Dancer

July 2024 - Vincent Cochain, EPSA


About the Image(s)

Technical: 1/320 f3,2, ISO 6400 at 150 mm (FF)

This is the period of spectacle. One more picture, but this is a special process and I would be happy to have your comment about it. Thanks in advance.

Hard technical condition due to the low light and the speed of the dancer. So high ISO (limited at 6400, with Sony A9) and high speed. I was certainly in under exposure.

Processed in LR: increased exposure, texture, white, dehaze. Decreased Highlight (- 96), shadow, clarity.
Special: I increased the noise (grain/structure) of 50. This gives the special aspect. I did it as the texture (specially on her face) was not good in these light conditions.

This round’s discussion is now closed!
7 comments posted

David Halgrimson   David Halgrimson
The b&w works much better than the color version as there is more contrast and detail to be seen. The level of the camera to the subject is good. That said I don't feel it works as a strong image. The background being distracting, her foot partially behind her leg, and the small bright area in the opening of her costume pulling the eye, are the reasons I see. It looks like a difficult shot to get so kudos to the attempt.   Posted: 07/04/2024 20:37:22
Vincent Cochain   Vincent Cochain
Thanks David. I see this image with other eyes. I fully agree with your comment.   Posted: 07/05/2024 07:12:58

Paul Hoffman   Paul Hoffman
Another nice stage shot with the dancer in a good position, shame you are not in more of a straight angle to the face. There is potential in this but it depends on your photoshop skills. I had a quick fiddle to give you an idea, hope you like.   Posted: 07/09/2024 11:19:25
Comment Image
Vincent Cochain   Vincent Cochain
Thanks Paul for your suggestion, I like it.
My PS skills are unfortunately limited...   Posted: 07/17/2024 00:06:40

Jerry Hug   Jerry Hug
Vincent, Another super dance photo. I do like what Paul did as another possibility.

Getting that photo had to be tricky with the low light available. The dancers facial expression shows she is in a little pain. God bless her. Your dance images are truly fun to see what is available with fast planning and shooting. Jerry   Posted: 07/11/2024 16:44:40

Mary Ann Carrasco   Mary Ann Carrasco
Vincent, what an effort to get this image. I like the perspective from which you took it and the reflection. I agree with others and I like Paul's edit. You may want to try to denoise with the ISO this high. I recently learned about taking a raw image into topaz denoise before any other edits and it does help quite a bit.   Posted: 07/17/2024 21:14:33
Vincent Cochain   Vincent Cochain
Thanks Mary Ann for your comment.
I also like the Paul's edit. I agree there is some noise. Due to structure on her face, I increased the noise on the picture to give a special effect (it was a try).   Posted: 07/18/2024 06:44:18