Vincent Cochain, EPSA
About the Image(s)
Technical: 1/100, f/5,0, ISO 500 at 23 mm (FF)
There was an open door at a Steel industry, and it was allowed to take pictures. To better feel the dimensions of this ? Oven ?, the presence of a worker woud have been better, but without him, the stairs can can give an indication...
LR: Exposition + 1, Shadow + 80, increased texture and clarity. I found the square format interesting to concentrate the look to the oven, which is (almost) square.
3 comments posted
Interesting subject for you. I like the conversion. My eye goes to the steam(smoke) and then moves around the furnace. Interesting lines. You are correct, a person to show the scale would have added interest.   Posted: 02/14/2025 17:32:59
The conversion brings out more detail, which is a good thing. It is very busy, but the business gives it a feel of strength/power.
Other than the steam/smoke, it is flat. Some selective adjustments could be used to bring out more depth. I used the Masking tool in Lightroom to brush over a few areas to lighten them at different amounts. Let me know what you think.   Posted: 02/18/2025 20:17:06
Other than the steam/smoke, it is flat. Some selective adjustments could be used to bring out more depth. I used the Masking tool in Lightroom to brush over a few areas to lighten them at different amounts. Let me know what you think.   Posted: 02/18/2025 20:17:06
Vincent, lots going on here! A massive operation! Yes, a worker would have been nice but you are right in that the steps give it some scale. You did a nice conversion to black and white and brought out detail. I agree with David that it seems flat and his edit works well.   Posted: 02/19/2025 14:29:20