Looking out the window at my son-in-law's home, I saw this great sunset while some Trumpeter Swans were flying over the trees, and the ice on the ponds was bright from reflected light. Luckily I had my camera with me because it was Thanksgiving.
Taken with an Olympus EM1 MKII, an Olympus 12-40mm at 40mm, 1/125th sec, f/4.5 and ISO 200.
Processed in Lightroom, raised shadows and whites, added texture and clarity. Used masks to add light to the ponds, some of the snow, and the open clouds near the top. Then added a slight vignette.
Converted to B&W in Silver Efex Pro 2 where I added a border, added an orange filter, lowered the brightness, and raised the structure, mid-tones, and shadows.
6 comments posted
Paul Hoffman
The scene with the setting sun and the birds over the trees set it quite nicely, but I find that the darks have filled in way to much that no detail is coming from them. It is also killing off the foreground trees. The bit of foreground growth in the image does not help. Must have been a great moment to see but it is not coming over on the image. Sorry.   Posted: 12/15/2024 12:56:11
Mary Ann Carrasco
David, this is a very dramatic scene in black and white. The flying swans really stand out. I do agree with taking out the branches in the foreground as that is distracting. It is not really apparent there is snow on the ground in the black and white version as the lighter areas appear as bodies of water to me. I took the liberty of taking your original into photoshop camera raw to try and bring out the snow and a bit of the shadow areas. I added contrast to the sky and I removed the branches in the foreground. I converted to b&w in camera raw. I look forward to your thoughts.   Posted: 12/16/2024 21:24:37
David Halgrimson
Thanks, I agree with removing the branches. There are two bodies of water, one near the bottom on the right and the other through the trees on the lower left. I brightened both of those and think that works to keep it from being flat overall.   Posted: 12/17/2024 21:55:21
Vincent Cochain
A sunset is often "better" in colors, for the colors we are looking for.
You B&W version is quite dark and takes the magic out of colors. Same opinion about the snow.
I like the color version. It can happen.   Posted: 12/17/2024 21:00:05
David Halgrimson
Thanks all, I agree with your comments. I liked the scene, so I grabbed my camera and, well, that's what I got. The darkness comes from shooting into the sun; it's not something for competition, but for me, it has that cold winter feel I felt at the time.   Posted: 12/17/2024 21:47:35
Diane Lowry
The swans stand out nicely, but I agree that the trees branches merging are distracting. I don't seem to notice it as much in the color version, perhaps because the sunset has become the subject.   Posted: 12/18/2024 15:35:33