Yvonne Nystrom  



About the Image(s)

f 11
ISO 3200
32mm Lens

This was shot at a Mission in California while visiting my brother-in-law 5 years ago before I knew what I was doing in photography. I thought his potted plant was so beautiful. I don't know what the flower is called, though. Basic LR adjustments with background blur.

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9 comments posted

Frank Kennedy
Hi Yvonne.
The flower is a cyclamen.
As I look at your image if it had been possible to include all of the pot and some more room on the LHS of the flower it may have been a better image.   Posted: 07/08/2024 07:33:38
Yvonne Nystrom   Yvonne Nystrom
Thank you Frank for the name of the flower. I agree with you on the space on the left hand side not having enough space. I didn't see it until you and Donald mentioned it.   Posted: 07/20/2024 07:08:23

Donald Darling Jr
Yvonne, I like the idea of your composition. Blurring the background is a good move. It diminishes a potential distraction, but doesn't change the story. I agree that it would be good to have more space on the left side of the frame so the flower petal isn't up against the frame.

Overall, good job!

Don   Posted: 07/20/2024 01:09:16
Yvonne Nystrom   Yvonne Nystrom
Yes, I agree with you on the space around the flower and pot! Thank you!!   Posted: 07/20/2024 07:05:45

Bev Caine   Bev Caine
I found the orange roof a bit distracting so I selected the flower and then did an inverse. I followed by darkening the background which toned down the orange. I then selected just the flower and added a bit of vibrance   Posted: 07/27/2024 20:36:36
Comment Image

Charissa Lansing   Charissa Lansing
Hi Yvonne,
I agree, the potted cyclamen is beautiful and the elements in your composition add interesting context for me.

I think the suggestions about more space around the flower and pot would further enhance this image.   Posted: 07/28/2024 00:38:40
Yvonne Nystrom   Yvonne Nystrom
Thank you Charissa!   Posted: 07/28/2024 01:30:36

Fred Giese   Fred Giese
Yvonne, That was a darn good start for not knowing what to know. Like stated, the composition was a little off, but not much. As to the revisions mentioned, I prefer your original as they appear far more natural It was a learning process then and look how far you have come!   Posted: 07/28/2024 01:12:35
Yvonne Nystrom   Yvonne Nystrom
Thank you Fred!! I have come a LONG WAY from this photo to now!!! I appreciate your comment!   Posted: 07/28/2024 01:29:45