Donald Darling Jr  

YELLOW ON WAVY GRAY by Donald Darling Jr


About the Image(s)

The flower was captured last spring in my front yard just after a rain shower. I used my D750 with 90 mmm macro lens at f10 and 1/250 second. Post processing was with Elements 2023 where I took care of some distracting spots, boosted the vibrance and sharpened with the High Pass filter. The background was captured with my Z50 and 16 to 50 kit lens at f22 and 1/2 second ISO 100. I had two 2-stop ND filters on front of the lens to allow longer exposure. I did post processing with Elements 2023. Mostly darkening th image and using the smudge tool to soften the image and create unnatural patterns. I also use the Paint tool to add a little blueish-gray color for some contrast with the yellow.

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5 comments posted

Frank Kennedy
Hi Donald,
I believe what you have done here is very clever and I like what you have done with the background.
A concern I have is the flower head is in the centre of the frame and I find the black section a distraction.
Would you consider tightening up on the presentation and
cloning out the black section.
Overall well done.   Posted: 07/08/2024 07:21:05
Comment Image

Donald Darling Jr
Frank, sorry for the delayed response. I think what you did with the feedback image does emphasize the subject more strongly. I did focus my eye in post processing on the flower and not the stem. Consequently, I ignored the distracting element that was the dark portion of the stem. Your cropping works!

Thank you,

Don   Posted: 07/20/2024 00:57:57

Bev Caine   Bev Caine
Nice image. Frank said and did it all. With those small changes it's really a winner.   Posted: 07/27/2024 20:43:36

Charissa Lansing   Charissa Lansing
Hi Donald,
Thanks for sharing the post-processing details. I found this information helpful.

I agree with Bev about Frank's suggestions and small modifications. Thanks for sharing this lovely image.   Posted: 07/28/2024 00:33:11

Fred Giese   Fred Giese
Donald, What Frank did was nice, but I prefer your original more. You are using a diagonal to bring the eye into the picture (while it might have been better coming in from the left). Your image is almost tact sharp (water droplets are a bear) You have a friend who is telling a story on how difficult it is to serve during a rainstorm. And you have marvelous depth of field enhanced by the upper left hand corner swirl (which is missing from the revised one) which makes the background look like a roiling river. I love the whole image.
  Posted: 07/28/2024 01:01:51