Bob Wills
About the Image(s)
Title: Tinkerbell
I was attending an antique hot rod show and captured this 2014 Dodge Viper. I decided to put in a better environment but included the owners sign. I used a showroom floor and following Chan's advice let PS do the subject masking. Just took four layers, one background from my collection of backgrounds and skies, but I'll add more after your suggestions. I used LRCC, then PSCC, and finally Topaz to finish the composite.
Original shot with Nikon Z8, handheld, 24-70mm zoom at 35mm,1/2800 sec@f4, ISO 1800, Manual mode, Pattern metering mode. Used a CPL filter.
Since I shot sitting in my walker I get pretty good support and the stabilized Z8 really helps.
My questions for you is
it sharp enough?
Does the midday light make the car too bright?
Anything else you see would help. I am happy to be in your group, and know I will learn much from you all.
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11 comments posted
Yes, plenty sharp enough and I have no problem with the colour of the car. It is pity that detail is lost in the grill ahd the left side of the car (as we are looking at it). Would it be possible to recover this in Camera Raw? Another niggle is the shadow on the backgound - perhaps that is someone peering in the boot (trunk I think you callit over there)   Posted: 09/06/2024 16:15:46
(Group 87)
While I enjoy this image, I do find the sign in front of the car to be distracting. I know you had no opportunity to remove the sign and then press the shutter button, and I don't know how successful you would have been in removing it in post, but it does detract from what I think your vision for this image is.
That being said, you have done a very good job at creating a composite image. Now that you have demonstrated your grasp of the process, the sky's the limit. I look forward to seeing even more challenging composites in the near future.   Posted: 09/08/2024 18:05:39
As I understand it, PSA does allow us to use tools that have Ai components - i.e. Topaz Ai Sharpening. What PSA does not allow, nor do most camera clubs is "Generative Ai" that creates pixels/pictures not from your camera. An example is - "Add a bridge to this picture that has 3 spans" - and that is what gets added to your image. The bridge was not created by you, in your camera. The origin of the bridge was from millions of bridge pictures that Ai has captured, manipulated, and presented to your image.
Here is one of my car based AR pictures - just as a reference.
  Posted: 09/16/2024 23:57:12