Gunter Haibach  

Flower by Gunter Haibach

July 2024 - Flower

About the Image(s)

Shot at .3 sec, f5.6,ISO200, 60mm macro lens, tripod. A light box image, 5 exposures various DOF. combined with Helicon Focus into 1 image. Post processing in ACR, Ps, and Topaz Studio. Only creative aspect was to saturate the colours - so I consider this an AR Light image. I like it for the colouring and the interesting shapes.
Your suggestions and comments are alway much appreciated.

This round’s discussion is now closed!
6 comments posted

Angela Bonner   Angela Bonner
(Groups 20 & 81)
Beautiful!!   Posted: 07/04/2024 16:46:06

Joan Field   Joan Field
Gunter, Your flower (I wonder what it is, a tulip?) is creative sufficiently because of the unusual cropping and colors. The blueish petals and almost yellow (toward green) complement each other on te opposite sides of the color wheel. Choosing a diagonal angle gives it a lot more strength and the thrust of the bluish-purple petal works so well in that regard. The two light petals to the left and right make an interesting background. Because of my bad eyesight it took a few minutes to realize they were also petals and not just a textured BG. I also appreciate your composition. Glad you used focus stacking as that insured the sharpness theoughout the flower. Nice work.   Posted: 07/17/2024 18:25:02

Ian Ledgard   Ian Ledgard
A splendid image whose colors are eye catching. The tilt to the right adds dynamism. Just a key line to hold it together?   Posted: 07/19/2024 18:45:59
Gunter Haibach   Gunter Haibach
Thanks, Ian
What kind of key line do you suggest? I'm stumped.   Posted: 07/20/2024 15:35:15

Ian Ledgard   Ian Ledgard
Key lines are one of my hobbyhorses.
My choice would be to pick up from the greens and apply a 3 pixel stoke.

  Posted: 07/21/2024 09:17:39
Chan Garrett   Chan Garrett
(Group 87)
I very much like this image. The truly creative aspect is your angle of capture and the extreme close up. Creative is more than manipulation in Photoshop.   Posted: 07/22/2024 20:44:26