Robin Mellor
About the Image(s)
I often photograph scenes or objects just because they might come in handy at some time. That was the case with the pigeon’s egg found in the grass in our garden. The figure was photographed during a studio session (the same girl that fell out of the sky last month), and it was a simple matter to put the two images together later in honour of Botticelli’s painting.
5 comments posted
Hi Robin, I like the idea of trying to recreate a famous painting. I think that there needs to be more work that could be done to try to match at least some of the "meaning and allegorical references to antiquity" displayed in the painting.
I am wondering about the tan-ish area on the eggshell where her feet would be. It makes me think there is a strange translucence quality in the shell. I see it is on the original but I think it is distracting.   Posted: 02/07/2025 16:38:01
I am wondering about the tan-ish area on the eggshell where her feet would be. It makes me think there is a strange translucence quality in the shell. I see it is on the original but I think it is distracting.   Posted: 02/07/2025 16:38:01
An interesting idea but one I feel needs a different girl if one is to relate to the title. As far as I am aware girls are not born already wearing underware. Have you a suitable nude shot you could use? A distraction for me is the blue blob on the right, perhaps a drooping crocus.   Posted: 02/12/2025 17:03:10
A well constructed composite - unfortunately the story does not resonate with me. Perhaps another title - i.e. "My Toenails Need Painting".   Posted: 02/14/2025 16:38:42
Good concept. Not so good production. I agree that you could have chosen a more interesting female figure, mot so bent over and, yes, Ian, without clothes.
At first I thought it was a flower cup, rather than n an eggshell. The other half of the shell old have helped, but I guess the bird didn't think to leave it.. For starters, I would suggest cropping off the whole right half of the image, too much grass for my taste.
However, your concept is excellent, so I would work on it some more and submit it again.   Posted: 02/21/2025 22:03:03
At first I thought it was a flower cup, rather than n an eggshell. The other half of the shell old have helped, but I guess the bird didn't think to leave it.. For starters, I would suggest cropping off the whole right half of the image, too much grass for my taste.
However, your concept is excellent, so I would work on it some more and submit it again.   Posted: 02/21/2025 22:03:03