Connie Reinhart  

Agriculture - Corn by Connie Reinhart

July 2024 - Agriculture - Corn

July 2024 - Connie Reinhart


About the Image(s)

Several years ago a pipeline company was in the process of negotiations to run a line through our area. They wanted to run right through farms that are supposedly protected from development, etc. The proposed pathway would have caused much harm to private property, in some cases cutting off their water supply or rendering their land next to useless. A local group was formed to fight this pipeline. We were asked to take pictures of the areas that would be affected. It was a challenging project. We had to show the beauty of the land, its history, its relation to the area as a whole. We also scouted the woodlands looking for some endangered species of plant or animal that might prove to be the ‘spotted owl’ for the group. Ultimately, with the help of some Philadelphia lawyers, the group was successful. The pipeline plans have been shelved. This image was taken on a warm November day. The harvest was in, but some corn remained in the field, much appreciated by the deer. I cropped for composition. Then used NIK Darken/Lighten Center to emphasize the corn. A High Pass filter was used to sharpen the corn, but masked off of the background. I added a border just to make the image stand out from our background.

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8 comments posted

Srijan Roy Choudhury   Srijan Roy Choudhury
Thank you for sharing your work. Considering the background story, your image is beautiful. It shows life symbolized by the corns in the midst of decay represented by the brown parts of the plant. A perfect example of nature's cycle.   Posted: 07/06/2024 07:33:16

Carole Kropscot   Carole Kropscot
I appreciate that you found a real crop in a field for our agriculture assigned subject. I like your chosen view of it, because it shows off the texture of the corn and its husk. They look especially sharp against the slightly out-of-focus background. I'm guessing that NIK's Darken/Lighten Center feature imitates a vignette. I always enjoy your story behind the photo. Makes it especially interesting!   Posted: 07/06/2024 22:16:13

Melissa Cramer Sonnen   Melissa Cramer Sonnen
(Groups 6 & 41 & 74)
Connie - I really LOVE this image. Something about those muted, yet bright colors (can that be a true thing?) There is an old-time feeling about the image. Your treeatment with the NIK filter seems to have brought out texture on the corn, but also the husk. This is the kind of image I like to frame and hang.
AND HOORAY for the local effort to stop Big Petro. Shows what a camera can help to do !!   Posted: 07/08/2024 14:57:09

Lisa Salisbury Hackley   Lisa Salisbury Hackley
Connie I love the story behind the image. Thank you for sharing that. I like your focus on an element of what could be a larger image of the cornfield itself as well as the color and clarity of the corn.   Posted: 07/08/2024 18:58:56

Nancy Armstrong   Nancy Armstrong
Connie, this is a great photo with a fascinating story behind it. I hope you will document both the story and the photo together so they don't get lost? The tones, the texture, even the frame are well thought out. Nice work!   Posted: 07/08/2024 20:28:09

Connie Reinhart   Connie Reinhart
Thank you all for your comments. All of our photographs for this project have been saved by the committee. Local farmers often leave some corn unharvested for the deer. This was taken on a farm owned by a 90-year-old lady who would have lost her water supply had the pipeline succeeded. The pipeline people wanted her (and others) to sign documents permitting them to use her land. When she found out what they wanted she told them to get the #@%^& off of her land! And they did.   Posted: 07/12/2024 18:45:43

Ally Green   Ally Green
What a success story behind your image and shows the power of the camera has its uses. To me the corn is centre stage and i can see the curtains being drawn back (the other leaves) to showcase this husk of corn! The textures and the muted colours help the yellow corn stand out. Really like your crop and the vertical lines of the laves and the stalks helping the image flow. The border also enhances this great image.   Posted: 07/15/2024 18:04:31

Melissa Cramer Sonnen   Melissa Cramer Sonnen
(Groups 6 & 41 & 74)
Connie - I really love this image. It strikes a chord with me. Would you mind if I printed it to hang on the wall in my work room? -Melissa   Posted: 07/27/2024 20:53:59