Carole Kropscot, FPSA  

Agriculture - Sunflowers for Bird Seed by Carole Kropscot, FPSA

July 2024 - Agriculture - Sunflowers for Bird Seed

July 2024 - Carole Kropscot, FPSA


About the Image(s)

About one hour from where I live is this now "famous" sunflower farm. The agriculture product is bird seed! Every year near Labor Day this farm is inundated with people and their cameras, as you can see at,into%20a%20seasonal%20tourist%20attraction.

I used the wide angle side of my super-zoom Canon Powershot SX50 to compose this shot. I use shutter priority so that my shaky hands won't blur my images. I took my heavier Canon camera with macro lens on a tripod, too, to get close-ups of bugs and things (not pictured here).

My goal was a portrait of one flower in its environment without the picture looking like a snapshot. Edited in Lightroom to get rid of things I thought were distracting, like bright spots and areas among the leaves and an overall too bright sky.

This round’s discussion is now closed!
13 comments posted

Srijan Roy Choudhury   Srijan Roy Choudhury
This looks so pleasant to the eyes.

The colour contrast between the yellow of the flower and the blue sky in the background is amazing.   Posted: 07/06/2024 07:22:08

Melissa Cramer Sonnen   Melissa Cramer Sonnen
(Groups 6 & 41 & 74)
This is surely not a snapshot, but a beautiful portrait. I love the slightly off-center presentation. And I appreciate that the entire area around the subject is in focus. For me, color rendition is important. Here the colors are true with no blow-out from being in the full sunlight. And I like the cloudless sky - no distractions. Very nice.   Posted: 07/08/2024 14:47:10
Carole Kropscot   Carole Kropscot
Visitors to Grinter's are welcome to walk directly in the fields among the flowers. I had envisioned this composition because I had seen it created by other photographers. I walked around until I found a flower that I could set apart from the masses. You are correct in that I was purposely trying to NOT make a snapshot. This composition is probably more of a pretty picture postcard view and therefore not really as creative as if I had thought of it myself. I'm happy to have accomplished my goal.   Posted: 07/08/2024 18:59:01

Lisa Salisbury Hackley   Lisa Salisbury Hackley
Carole I love the perspective of and depth to this image. The trees in the top left hand corner do pull me away from the sunflower and my eye goes to the left as opposed to moving backward through the sunflower field. Great colors!   Posted: 07/08/2024 18:15:40
Carole Kropscot   Carole Kropscot
How interesting that those trees are a kind of distraction! I never thought of that, because this is the iconic view at Grinter Farms! It's how we locals know THAT is Grinter's. Your fresh, untainted reaction has opened my eyes. I wonder if I can get that depth into the fields without those trees! I'll try! I like that concept. I'm surprised at myself for not thinking of it. This is what makes these study groups so worthwhile for me. I get new ideas from a fresh set of eyes!   Posted: 07/08/2024 18:53:20
Lisa Salisbury Hackley   Lisa Salisbury Hackley
I agree - this is what it is all about. We have informal member image reviews in my camera club, and it is always interesting to hear how others interpret/react to an image.   Posted: 07/08/2024 19:07:57

Nancy Armstrong   Nancy Armstrong
Ahhh, our sunflowers! This is such an iconic image. I was going to suggest that you pull up the darks in the trees on the left - perhaps then they wouldn't draw the eye quite so much. But maybe Lisa's suggestion to take them out altogether is an even better option.

I believe the general rule is to avoid centering an image but in this case centering that main flower was exactly the right call.   Posted: 07/08/2024 20:12:04

Ally Green   Ally Green
I love sunflowers and this is a gorgeous image! I like how you have showed the sunflower in its natural environment and the trees to me are a part of this. A great perspective on this sunflower and the detail & texture of the middle bit blends so well with the petals. I wouldn't change a thing for me!
We have a sunflower field near DIA which attracts alot of photographers..have yet to do this but it is on my list!   Posted: 07/11/2024 21:25:28
Carole Kropscot   Carole Kropscot
Yes, be sure to do the sunflower photo op. It'll be more satisfying than you expect! I recommend being there for different lighting situations. Early morning light is gorgeous on the plants and the whole scene. Evening light can lead to great sunset skies. Mid-day light is nice for flower close-ups and any butterflies, bees, etc. on the flowers. And take your macro and wide angle lenses to get a big variety of views. I took photos of the leaves with pollen, too!   Posted: 07/15/2024 14:13:17

Connie Reinhart   Connie Reinhart
Carole, you achieved your goal of a lovely portrait of the sunflower. The light shows the soft texture of the petals. The background sets the scene perfectly. The sunflower is well placed in the frame. Very well done.   Posted: 07/12/2024 15:55:33

Connie Reinhart   Connie Reinhart
Okay. I try to comment before reading other comments so as not to be influenced by them. But there seems to be some discussion about the trees. If the image were reversed, the bright sky would lead the eye into the frame from the left; the dark trees would stop the eye from sliding right out of the frame. However, since this is a very recognizable view for those familiar with the sunflower farm, that might be unadvised.   Posted: 07/12/2024 16:02:13
Comment Image
Carole Kropscot   Carole Kropscot
You're right about not reversing a well known scene. But your point is well taken about having the trees on the right. Actually, there are trees on the right. So, I could look for a right-to-left scene next time. Good point!   Posted: 07/15/2024 14:16:02

Lisa Salisbury Hackley   Lisa Salisbury Hackley
I still think it would be interesting to see this with the larger area of trees removed entirely. Sometimes with an area so well photographed from the same or similar vantage point, it is refreshing to see a different take on the scene.   Posted: 07/15/2024 18:57:42