Carole Kropscot, FPSA
About the Image(s)
This little caraway seed on my breakfast bread is what gives it the flavor I like! There is a "No Seeds" version of this bread, too, and I can barely tolerate its tasteless taste! See the extra photos to see the brand. I included a photo with crust because it looks more tantalizing to eat. I realize the seed photo isn't as appetizing as a food photo should be! But I hope you find it interesting in some way! Taken and edited with my iPhone, but I resized it and "saved for the web" in Photoshop on my computer where I can see what I'm doing!
My original plan was to use my "big" camera with a close-up lens. But first I decided to see how close I could get with my phone camera. I was surprised I could get so close - although I did crop it a little bit. I added the full amount of sharpening allowed by the phone's editing program. Never did drag out the "old" equipment!
2 comments posted
What a nicely done close up! I see the bread because I know the topic, but an unsuspecting person might see other things....such as a wooden canoe on a frothy sea. It might be interesting to show this to a few people and find out what they see.
Latelyt I use my "big" camera only for zooming in on such things as wildlife and for capturing the motion of birds. My iPhone does excellent macro shots as well as landscape shots. My big camera does come in handy if I want to control the DOF more precisely, like just having one edge of a flower be in focus.   Posted: 02/13/2025 18:17:21
The lighting and texture just right..well done.   Posted: 02/14/2025 18:37:55