We have a local Zoo ??“ The Lehigh Valley Zoo. It is small but well done. During the Holidays they set up a fantastic light display. People can walk through the park as they please admiring the scenes. There is a large blow-up snow globe that you can actually stand in. Near the center is a big fireplace where you can toast marshmallows and make your own s’mores. It is a delightful experience. I took pictures that evening hand-held for fear a tripod might be in other peoples’ way. This was taken at f/5.0 for 1/60 second at ISO 8000. Processing was verry basic; straighten, crop, saturate all colors, and High Pass filter set at Hard Light. Happy New Year to all!
7 comments posted
Bunny Laden
Hi Connie,
Very nice image. I'm amazed at how good photos at high ISO turn out these days. The black is black and noise free. The colors vibrant. Great composition. I have nothing to suggest.   Posted: 01/09/2025 02:53:48
Connie Reinhart
There was a lot of noise in the background. I used Denoise and also painted black in the background.   Posted: 01/10/2025 02:34:28
Bunny Laden
Very nice result!   Posted: 01/10/2025 03:40:42
Carole Kropscot
So adorable! You've given us a creative view of the animals in the zoo. I'm impressed by how sharp and clear the lights are. I can't ever seem to do that! Did you use automatic exposure? The blue border is perfect.   Posted: 01/09/2025 20:05:27
Connie Reinhart
I did use auto exposure. The available light in each scene varied according to the number of lights on the exhibits. Auto exposure and auto focus seemed to handle the problem. I really never thought I would use any of these images, so I wasn't very fussy.   Posted: 01/10/2025 02:36:41
Ally Green
Great image for a handheld and i like the elephants conveying motion too. The lights not blurred so good job. Nice and festive for the holidays.   Posted: 01/14/2025 22:29:39
Nancy Armstrong
Nice photo Connie--exposure looks good as well as focus and the processing you chose makes it look very bright and clean.
Thanks for the extra details about how you processed the image. I tend to stick to some of the more basic blending layers in PS such as soft light, overlay and multiply but I want to start experimenting more. It looks like hard light was the definitely way to go with this photo.   Posted: 01/19/2025 21:51:50