I have been challenged by my local camera club to prepare (3) still life set ups for our March competition. Most of the people in our group are wildlife or landscape photographers. In an effort to broaden my portfolio I started doing more still life last year. I'm still learning and don't have the lighting equipment needed.
I used a backdrop for this image and curved it up for table and backing. I have no lighting equipment other than 1-hand-held LED light or the flashlight from my cell phone. Don't laugh...yes, a cell phone. Sometimes you just have to make do with what you have.
I added a vignette and a little dodge and burn.
I would love feedback and information of what lighting you use.
4 comments posted
Ruth Mayer
I like this, I especially like how the background works with the red raspberries. Nice.   Posted: 02/17/2025 23:58:38
Lori Azevedo
Thanks you.   Posted: 02/19/2025 20:33:25
Melissa Cramer Sonnen
You have proved a little-believed fact here - you DON'T have to have fancy lighting to do still lifes. I have been using window light, flashlights, bathroom light, eetc. for years, especially for close-ups with construction paper curved backgrounds. It all works. Just like in your picture - the subject is well-lit, the shadows are just right, and the background is pleasing and even. Nice shot.   Posted: 02/19/2025 21:47:04
James Silliman
Based on what I see here, you don't need a lighting system. You do very well with what you have available. Your attention to detail is well communicated. The texture and rich color of the raspberries makes your still life stand out. The color and texture of the painted canvas background complements the overall image. The detail in the woodgrain serving spoon adds to the effectiveness of the image. Very nice image. You need to share the other 2 images from your still life assignment.   Posted: 02/20/2025 03:24:06