Group 06 Bulletin Board

8 threads - 16 total comments

Thread Title: Fine Art Photography Article: Compositional Structure

Lance Lewin   Lance Lewin
PSA Fine Art Photography Article: Compositional Structure

Hello, everyone! Hope you take the time to read my article in
The March issue of the PSA Journal, which can be found on the
PSA website if you do not currently receive the hard-copy of the
Journal. I very much look forward to your comments.

You can also Follow the Link below. Thank you.

Lance A. Lewin
PSA B&W Photography Mentor
PSA South Atlantic Area Membership Director

  Posted: 03/19/2023 21:25:53

Thread Title: Article on Macro

Dick States   Dick States
I mentioned above about an article about electronic front-curtain shutter explained. Well the same person has an article titled, "Everything You Need to Know About Macro". You must read this article its one of the best. There are four parts to it. 1. Introduction, 2. Depth of field, 3. Composition, and 4 Readers comments. Take time to read the article but make sure you take time to read the readers comments. There are many photographers who try to do macro but take short cuts, most of the time these don't not work.
The web site
There are other great tutorials here also.
  Posted: 01/18/2019 23:36:34

Thread Title: Image Analysis Course

Dick States   Dick States
I received the following message from Barbara Miller the director of the digital dialogue we are all part of. This would be a great course not only for here but also back home to use in your own local camera club.

Following the Image Analysis course that Walter Swett, admin of no. 75, took from Jon Fishback APSA, I had a note from him, he wrote: "I found this course to have been very worthwhile and believe it has not only taught me how to evaluate the work of others, but to look at my own work with a critical eye and improve it" He has been using the lessons and feels that not only have his comments improved, but also has the feedback from the members of his group and he will encourage them join.

I would like you to pass this along to your group directing them to the site that Jon recommends as a starting place

I have heard many comments regarding the worth of Jon's courses and would urge you and your members to sign up. As a member of PSA there is no charge for these courses.   Posted: 01/18/2019 19:05:11
Stuart Ord   Stuart Ord
I did Jon's course on Image Analysis in 2017 and found it very useful in terms of what to look for and how to give feedback. I try to heed his advice and teaching!   Posted: 01/18/2019 20:05:18

Thread Title: Electronic Front-Curtain Shutter

Dick States   Dick States
This is a very good article on electronic front-curtain shutter explained.   Posted: 01/17/2019 14:14:39

Thread Title: New Macro Club

Tom Kredo   Tom Kredo
Mike Moats is offering membership in his new Macro Club for $39 US. I have attended a few of his conference lectures, and found him to be informative and likeable.
  Posted: 08/03/2017 14:23:31

Thread Title: Focus Stack Start and Stop

Toni Caputo   Toni Caputo
This quote is excerpted from a critique & a suggestion from my image by Dick Stakes in the group's June submission. I took the liberty to post it here b/c it holds a lot of potential to help. I have been working on it but don't have this down yet.
"I cut two little sharp wedges from Post-A-Note and stick these on my lens barrel. Looking through my view finder I place a wedge on the lens barrel where to start the stack and one where I want to stop the stack. I use mirror up so now all I need to do is look at these wedges as I change focus. I know where to start and stop and the amount of focus change without looking through the view finder. I also shutter the view finder to keep light out. I don't think f-2.8 (too narrow DOF) will work very well. I hope this makes some sense. Great subject." Posted: 06/24/2016 13:14:46   Posted: 08/14/2016 13:03:53

Thread Title: Monitor Adjustment

Dick States   Dick States
A good web site to adjust your monitor to make sure you have the proper angle is
  Posted: 11/06/2015 22:48:53

Thread Title: DOF Calculator

Dick States   Dick States
A good web site for depth of field calculator.
You enter the camera used, focal length, selected f-stop, subject distance. It tells you the depth of field near limit and the far limit with the total depth of field. It will tell you the hyperfocal distance and the circle of confusion. A great web site. If you just go to you will need to scroll down to the fourth part.   Posted: 10/14/2015 17:42:35

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